North Bay Python 2024

Nik Kantar (34)

Should I drive or fly to ? 🤔

🚗 Driving pros:
- cheaper
- own schedule
- lots of zen time
- no airport/plane COVID risk
- no airport security
- can overpack to heart’s content

✈️ Flying pros:
- faster
- Katie keeps car for emergencies
- no wear and tear on car
- forced to pack wisely

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No hallway? No problem!

Some tracks:

- barn track (bonus: cats)
- picnic table track
- fedi track
- brewery track (alcohol consumption not required)

What else?

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My computing setup is writing geek checks I don’t think I can actually cash. shifty_eyes

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My first programming language was BASIC on a Commodore 64.


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It took three tries, but I finally got some Costeaux goodness today!

10/10 no notes

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One of my favorite traditions is time given to order languages. From “North Bay Fortran” jokes of years past, to @coderanger’s look at features other languages (and communities) have that we don’t, it’s a very healthy consideration.

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I can’t seem to find any Snoopy swag for sale at _Charles M. Schultz_ Sonoma County Airport, and that’s a damn shame.

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I’m quite looking forward to this weekend, when the main Pythonosphere thing on my mind will be @NorthBayPython.

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@skimbrel @phildini North Bay Stunt…thon? Stunthon? 🤔

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