PHP[TEK] 2024

Sarah Savage (16)

Well, I’m under two thick blankets and still have chills. I’ve been nauseous all day and I’m thinking I have the conflu.

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I’ve had my elephpants from stolen by a beautiful thief.

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I’ve created a time block on my calendar called “PHP Community Time” for focusing on community and open source. It’s during the workday. Setting aside work time to work on community and open source is my answer to @ramsey’s and @michelle’s talks.

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Spent the morning teaching my youngest son how to write CLI scripts in PHP to do math and ask him math questions. Used some of what I learned from @awoodsnet at too. Good times!

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Thanks, . Just landed at BWI. Great conference! See you all next year!

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Good morning, ! This morning at 10 am I'll be speaking in the uncon about Five Things Every Developer Should Know About Mental Health. Come join online or in the PHP Foundation room!

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Hey I’ll be presenting in the uncon on Thursday at 10 am on mental health and what developers need to know.

Come learn!

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Where do Keynote users go to find good Keynote themes? Working on my uncon talk, looking for a new theme.

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Hearing @aprilwensel talk about art and creativity as a way to process emotions reminds me of my experience treating mental health struggles. It’s an incredibly effective tool for processing difficult things.

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I understand the concept of coming up with a new identity but I’m uncomfortable with changing my identity just because techbros ruin my industry.

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