A shout-out at the core team panel for events such as #phptek and #TrueNorthPHP! #cakefest
The infamous root beer beer, at Shoeless Joe’s, 10 years ago today. #PHPTek
@mcdwayne wrote an excellent recap of #PHPTek. Check it out: https://blog.gitguardian.com/phptek-2024/
Here are the slides for my talk "Composer Guide to Supply Chain Security" at PHP[TEK] in Chicago 2 weeks ago!
Supply chain security is such an important topic! My talk highlighted what you should know about Composer to effectively and securely use it in your dev workflows. It also showed what tools like Private @packagist can do to help.
Thank you to @phparch for putting on another great event and having us as a sponsor!
I performed my first #git bisect yesterday, thanks to skills I learned from @vanamerongen at #phptek 😁
Can you spot me in this recap of php[tek] 2024? https://www.linkedin.com/posts/dianasoyster_my-recap-of-phptek-john-congdon-james-activity-7191972944074412034-3c2h #mentalhealth #phpc #phptek
The latest issue of @phparch magazine is out!
I love how they were able to get articles about experiences at and photographs from #PHPTek (last week!) included in this issue.
Check it out!
Well, I’m under two thick blankets and still have chills. I’ve been nauseous all day and I’m thinking I have the conflu. #phptek
@grmpyprogrammer INORITE?
I ended up brainstorming a "boring tech" talk with @auroraeosrose while at #phptek last week that I'm hoping to flesh out and pitch.