PHP[TEK] 2024

Chris Hartjes (11)

At I had a chance to talk with @mwop and @naderman about the PHP Foundation and a bunch of other stuff and conversations I’d had with @ralphschindler — gonna start working on presenting new ideas for the PHP web site to change the marketing messages and let everyone out there know what can do these days

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Chilling at a rest stop in Michigan waiting for You Know What to do the Thing. It was awesome as always to see all my friends

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Here is a blog post I wrote a few years ago about my NeoVim setup — should be more like what people who were in my talk are expecting grumpy-learning.com/blog/2022/

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I wanted to talk about approaching tools in general, audience wanted me to run through more interactive examples of NeoVim and PHP. Sometimes you take the L.

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Lesson for potential and current speakers — my talk today didn’t go over as well as I wanted. The audience had different expectations and feedback was helpful. This happens to every speaker at one time or another.

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One of the interesting things of being a long-time member of a programming community is that you can do a ton of work (in my case test-writing evangelism), then drop out of it, come back, and be welcomed with open arms (or maybe they are too scared of me to reject me)

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It’s good to see @ramsey share his personal discovery that when he was looking for a job nobody gave a shit about all the amazing OSS contributions he made.

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I have neglected to mention my Interns while at but here they are hoping I never come back

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Thanks to everyone who came to my talk about CQRS — first iterations of talks can be rough but I hit all the stuff I wanted to talk about

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