PHP[TEK] 2024

Ian Littman (41)

Heading back ORD-AUS soon. Thanks to everyone who organized, sponsored, spoke at, or attended ! It's great to see the in-person community growing again, including a bunch of new faces to the PHP conference scene, plus another bunch of folks who I haven't seen in awhile.

Let's do this again soon!

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*Remove* alt tags for decorative images. Alt="" is the worst thing you could do - Paulo Fernandes

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compliance isn't fully automatable.

For example, substituting comparable navigation modes if the normal ones aren't necessarily accessible, or using multiple modes to differentiate controls (e.g. size or shape in addition to color)

- Paulo Fernandes

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If you have a decorative image, omit alt text and your screen reader will skip it. If you want people to see your image via screen readers, use alt text. - Paulo Fernandes

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Divs and spans are ignored by screen readers. Use semantic HTML so screen readers know the structure of the document - Paulo Fernandes at the Uncon

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TIL LAG() and LEAD() on dates in windowing functions.

I think I saw this presentation from @auroraeosrose back in 2017 at PNWPHP but I'm catching a lot of new stuff this time.

And this is *an uncon talk*

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TIL that GROUP BY GROUPING SETS exists. Also ROLLUP, which is even more terse and powerful. Thanks, @auroraeosrose!

This exists in Postgres as of 9.5, while ROLLUP exists in a janky fashion in MySQL.

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OLAP = Online Analytical Processing

The sorta thing that if you let accountants do wrong they'll toast your database.

OLAP is *not* a character in Frozen.

- paraphrased from @auroraeosrose

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"I'll stop lecturing on that." - @auroraeosrose
"No you won't." - @Crell

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