Heading back ORD-AUS soon. Thanks to everyone who organized, sponsored, spoke at, or attended #phptek! It's great to see the in-person community growing again, including a bunch of new faces to the PHP conference scene, plus another bunch of folks who I haven't seen in awhile.
Let's do this again soon!
Divs and spans are ignored by screen readers. Use semantic HTML so screen readers know the structure of the document - Paulo Fernandes at the #phptek Uncon
TIL LAG() and LEAD() on dates in windowing functions.
I think I saw this presentation from @auroraeosrose back in 2017 at PNWPHP but I'm catching a lot of new stuff this time.
And this is *an uncon talk*
TIL that GROUP BY GROUPING SETS exists. Also ROLLUP, which is even more terse and powerful. Thanks, @auroraeosrose! #phptek
This exists in Postgres as of 9.5, while ROLLUP exists in a janky fashion in MySQL.
OLAP = Online Analytical Processing
The sorta thing that if you let accountants do wrong they'll toast your database.
OLAP is *not* a character in Frozen.
- paraphrased from @auroraeosrose #phptek
"I'll stop lecturing on that." - @auroraeosrose
"No you won't." - @Crell