PyCon US 2024

David Lord python (33)

Had a very relaxing night playing Cabo and knucklebones with friends. Much needed after another full conference day.

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@tonybaloney showing off a Flask app running in Hypercorn by @pgjones with workers in subinterpreters that themselves each have the GIL disabled. Running parallel requests that themselves can have parallel processing. This talk has so much insight into web app and parallel performance.

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The next FlaskCon talk starts at 2:45, Extending Flask using the Flask Plugins API, by Abdur-Rahmaan Janhangeer @osdotsystem

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Submit your talk proposal for FlaskCon, inside PyCon US May 17! Are you a developer, contributor, maintainer, designer, admin, or anyone else else who uses Flask, Click, Jinja, their extensions, WSGI, ASGI, HTMX, Tailwind, asyncio, etc? We want to hear you! A talk can be 5-15 minutes, in person. CFP closes April 30, notified May 3. Submit your proposal today: flaskcon.com/2024/ Please boost and tell your friends!

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Flask-Mail 0.10 released, after a 10 year hiatus! Thanks to @wlach for picking it up at the sprint. This is part of my Pallets-Eco initiative to get old popular extensions maintained again. It's been unarchived and refreshed. I went through and closed out a lot of the issue backlog. We'll have to figure out what a 1.0 release will look like. github.com/pallets-eco/flask-m

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Just got into Pittsburgh, I’ll be at my hotel by 7:30. Anyone I know getting food and drinks around then?

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There are so many great quotable moments in @brainwane’s keynote, I’m glad there’s a lot of people posting them on the tag so I can like them.

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Sprint on Flask, Quart, Jinja, Click, and the Pallets ecosystem in room 316. Grab some stickers as well!

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FlaskCon is Friday inside PyCon! Room 317, my opening "State of Pallets" talk starts at 11am, after the opening PyCon keynote. Then we have four talks, then office hours, as well as sprints starting Monday. Please come by to watch the talks and to talk with us about your projects and our projects! flaskcon.com

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Being at PyCon is so hard because I want to be in five different places at once 😅

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