⚠️ UPDATE⚠️ : #PyConUS 2024 is SOLD OUT. We had an unexpected spike in registrations just before opening the event today, and we've had to close sales of new conference passes.
Some Tutorials are still available, prepaid voucher codes will still work, and if you didn't snag a ticket, online passes are still available at us.pycon.org. (Contact [email protected] if you need help.)
We're thrilled to welcome over 2700 attendees to PyCon US this week!
I'm off to #PyConUS, a sold-out event in Pittsburgh, just like 2020 was going to be.
I'm particularly proud, because negotiating a 2024 conf in Pittsburgh back in 2020 was one of the most important things we could do to make sure @ThePSF successfully survived the economic impact of the early pandemic.
Thank you, past PSF staff and board members for the work you did back then, and to current fellow board members and staff for everything you've done to bring #PyConUS back to scale. I'm excited.
OK the #PyConUS venue is pretty amazing. I’m betting good money the majority of the hallway track will actually be the garden track. Expansive, lots of greenery, flowers, bees, and great views of the city.
Still go to the talks plzzz.
New Blog: How To PyCon https://blog.glyph.im/2024/05/how-to-pycon.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
POV: Seeing PyCon US conference venue for the first time 🤪
🧳 PyCon US Bound.
If you are attending #PyConUS, I encourage you to reach out and say hi.
🏡 LFK 🚗 MCI 🛫 MDW 🛬 PIT 🏨
Best of luck to Black Python Devs founding member @felipedemorais_ on his #PyConUS workshop starting in a few minutes! https://mastodon.social/@blackpythondevs