56 of the best Rails accounts on Mastodon.
James Smith 💾
@[email protected]Generic humanoid carbon unit. ❤️ tech, democracy, environment, society.
Currently building @manyfold and site admin @ https://mastodon.me.uk
Previously: https://dxw.com, https://somethingnew.org.uk, https://openpolitics.org.uk, https://apolitical.co, https://theodi.org, https://www.amee.com and more.
Alignment: Chaotic Whimsy.
Collin Donnell
@[email protected]I coined the term “Mac Assed Mac App.”
A software developer from Portland Oregon. I’ve been writing iOS and Mac apps since 2008 and Ruby since 2021.
📱 #Swift (iOS and Mac).
🚂 #Ruby (and Rails)
Cohost of the #RooftopRuby podcast. Friend of DeSoto.
Joel Drapper
@[email protected]Full-stack #Ruby / #Rails / #TypeScript / #CSS engineer, CEO of #HTMX, formerly at Clearscope and Shopify — author and maintainer of the gems #Phlex, Morphlex, Literal, Quickdraw — cohost the @rooftop podcast.
@[email protected]Information Security Officer @ SURF | privacy | typoqueen | Grunn | Veluwe | wine | food | Venezia | Ducati | cats 😊 | ♡ CC0, art, books, movies, literature | motorbike trails & camping | Woman of WICCA | own views and silliness
~ the Netherlands ¯\_ (ツ) _/¯
🇳🇱 🇬🇧 🇧🇪 🇨🇵 🇮🇹
Own photographs (unless credits)
Unfriendly people = block
Not boosting links to birdsite
Toots vaporise after a month
Mike Dalessio
@[email protected]Mostly posts about gummi bears, space probes, and Ruby.
OSS contributor, maintaining Nokogiri, SQLite3, Rails::Html::Sanitizer, Mechanize, and more in the Ruby ecosystem.
Working at 37signals. Former Shopify, VMware, Pivotal, Bloomberg, various startups.
Noah Gibbs
@[email protected]I have benchmarked Ruby and graphed the results, including at https://speed.yjit.org. I write at https://codefol.io, where you can get on my email list for free chapters. I wrote Rebuilding Rails, Rebuilding HTTP and Mastering Software Technique.
I live in Inverness, Scotland with my wife, three kids, and two cats.
In the Scottish Highlands? https://highlandwebgroup.co.uk/
Noel Rappin
@[email protected]Staff Engineer at Chime, and the co-author of Programming Ruby and the author of Modern Front End Development for Rails.
Also on Bluesky as @noelrappin.com and Threads as noelrap
Dr Adam Steer
@[email protected]Educated in psychology and earth systems, experienced polar and mountain geek. Loves to talk about play, curiosity, adventure, thinking and doing in systems.
Currently living a long term financial crisis. Looking for work - regular jobs, consulting or both. If you enjoy my existing work (see websites below) and want to help create more, you can do that here: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/spatialised
See you in the mountains, or on the trails...
🗺️ 🏔️ ❤️
Isaac Freeman
@[email protected]#Ōtautahi, #Aotearoa / #Christchurch, #NewZealand.
He/him. #NZGreens. Funtime Comics. #Cyclist. #Ruby/#Rails developer. Middle-aged cis-het abled Pākehā man.
One of my things at the moment is exploring the #Obsidian app, and working on my Kakano theme.
Toitū te Tiriti
Emma (has_many_books of old)
@[email protected]CEO of https://consonance.app, MD of https://snowbooks.com and https://makeourbook.com. Ruby, and Rails. React when I absolutely have to. Also https://justsimply.dev, https://dayofcode.co.uk, nope.business etc. Did the _why book.
Cure fan. Home educator. 4 day wkr. Atheist she/her b.330ppm @has_many_books on twitter (deleted) if you wonder if it's me. Founder-ing is not the hard part. Maker of daft things out of fabric and on Roland Fantom-8. Veg gardener.
Ain Tohvri
@[email protected]CTO at Savings United. Contributor and maintainer of various Free and #OpenSource #Software projects. #foss #devops #tech #webdev #programming #rubyonrails #privacy #fedi22
@[email protected]Always be learning.
Full stacker, PhD in UX, Rails/Webdev, Ex Google devrel, coined Developer Experience (DX), Founder of https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Player_FM (acquired 2020, powered by Rails and the magic of RSS).
Posting #programming/#tech/#science here - absent algorithmic timelines, I commit to a tight focus on those topics and not filling followers' screens with photos, politics, etc.
Jen - mangledPixel
@[email protected]You may know me from making intros for LoadingReadyRun's streaming and YouTube content, or from being on the Desert Bus tech team, or for being a designer for Retro Games' line of mini retro computers, or for making random nerdy nonsense, or you may not know me at all – in which case, hi!
Avatar alt text: A drawing of a Klingon woman wearing glasses, looking slightly bored.
Header alt text: A starship in space going into warp drive, streaking off into the distance leaving trails of blue light.
Garrett Dimon
@[email protected]Helping run FlipperCloud.io and Fireside.fm.
#Ruby, #Rails, #HTML, #CSS, and considered JavaScript on occasion. Basketball, mountains, outdoors, sit skiing, and paddle boarding.
Also a left below-knee amputee with no choice but to get out of bed on the right foot every day.
Caleb Hearth
@[email protected]Dungeon Webmaster, Open Sourcerer, and breakfast THAC0 enthusiast. Are you a friend of DeSoto? All paladins are bastards.
#IndieAppDev building #Shipwright for web app observability on iOS and #Village to help you maintain connections to your friends, family, and coworkers.
#ruby #rails #swift #PrincipalEngineer #DnD #politics #ethics
@[email protected]Ruby/Rails full stack engineer in the middle of the US (she/her)
🥁 Rush fan
🎵 Viola player
🐱🐱🐱🧒 Geeky mom
📚 Reading all the books, especially scifi/fantasy
Marco Roth
@[email protected]Full-Stack Web Developer • OSS Contributor • Electronic Music Addict • Ruby/Rails, JavaScript/Stimulus, Crystal • Hotwire Contributors Team • StimulusReflex Core.
Currently maintaining: Stimulus, Stimulus-Use, Stimulus LSP, Turbo LSP, Turbo Power, StimulusReflex and CableReady
Building: gem.sh | hotwire.io | rubyconferences.org | rubyvideo.dev | rubyevents.org
Jesse Souki 📚
@[email protected]Exploring the intersection of #landuse, #planning, and #law in #Hawaii. Supporter of #parks, #trails, #transit, #TOD, and #newurbanism. Currently working as a #Lawyer in #HigherEd at the #UniversityofHawaii on land use matters before boards/commissions and agency appeals (#AdminLaw). Current President-Elect of Hawaii State Bar Association. When I’m not working, I’m #running, #hiking, #reading, and sometimes blogging at hilanduselaw.com or contributing to #LawFedi.
Forest Friend
@[email protected]Just an average nobody who enjoys a peaceful spot to walk, read, & take photos.
I love #bloomscrolling to see the beauty in your part of the world. I've learned a lot here, especially, #kindness.
From my world, my little dog, forest trails, my nightly movies, snacks, and random silliness or somberness.
Fan of: #trees #toast #DogsOfMastodon #libraries #ClassicMovies #FilmNoir #PasswordPlus #Botany #Birds #archaeology #daydreaming #mushtodon #mosstodon
Loran Kloeze
@[email protected]Software Engineer | Ruby on Rails API-koppelingen
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