RubyWorld Conference 2024


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チロルチョコをいただきました。おいしかったです。 #rubyworld

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Just finished editing this week’s @gamesatwork_biz podcast episode with my cohost and fellow Michael - @michaelmartine . We missed our other cohost @andypiper who was traveling and talking at

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@Gargron it's funny you mention this, I actually mentioned Last.FM in one of my answers after my talk! I've been using it for many years. It seemed to have a heyday about 15 years ago. I still use it across various listening services.

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it's funny you mention this, I actually mentioned Last.FM in one of my answers after my #RubyWorld talk! I've been using it for many years. It seemed to have a heyday about 15 years ago. I still use it across various listening services.

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Fixing Keyboard code in the Izakaya ✅

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Fixing Keyboard code in the Izakaya ✅

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そういや ConferenceでMatzのサインが当たったよー

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