Gregor Aisch
@[email protected]Senior Visual Data Journalist at Zeit Online. Co-founder and former CTO of @datawrapper. NYT graphics alumni #jitter4life #ddj #datavis (he/him)
Dominik Moritz
@[email protected]Professor at CMU HCII (where I co-direct @cmudig) and ML researcher at . I build visualization tools and systems for interactive analysis for everyone.
Nicolas Lambert 🌏
@[email protected]Front-end cartographer at CNRS
tk 🍜
@[email protected]knowledge worker
current labor : parent • data analyst @mediapart • teacher Telecom Paris
persona corporate (actif pendant les horaires de travail, au forfait jour 🤷) : @tk
alumni: • IRI Centre Pompidou • CRI Paris • IFRIS/CorText
Timothée Giraud
@[email protected]I work at CNRS. I post about reproducible research and all things spatial.
Author of {mapsf}, {osrm} and other spatial packages. Co-author of the thematic mapping software Magrit. Member of Rzine editorial board.
Automated post deletion: 6 months
Philippe Rivière
@[email protected]Consultant en Social Data Science.
Commandes ouvertes pour des carto (MP ou mail).
Flefgraph sur Twitter (où je publie beaucoup plus de chose)
Françoise Bahoken
@[email protected]Chercheuse/researcher - Univ. Gustave Eiffel, & ass. UMR geographie-cités. Chargée de cours/Teaching Univ. Panthéon Sorbonne (P1) #géographie #méthodes #cartographie #geovizualisation #migrations #spatialdata #flowmap
Tom Février
@[email protected]Data + Viz + Code at Bloomberg Graphics, formerly JavaScript wizard at Les Échos
🌈 📊 👨💻 🎬
@[email protected]Data scientist
Intéressé par #IA #Datasciences #Opendata #Communsnumeriques #Dataviz #DataDrivenJournalism #Rstats #Wikipedia #Économie #Sociologie #pydata #climatechange
Julien Gaffuri
@[email protected]GIS and cartography @EU_eurostat (previously @IGNFrance), geographical information, maps, orienteering, bike, nature, Europe, Luxembourg, Marseille, Haut-Doubs.
Sylvain Lesage
@[email protected]Dataviz freelance developer. Part-time 🤗 Hugging Face.
Thomas Lin Pedersen
@[email protected]Software engineer at Posit, focusing on graphics and data visualisation
@[email protected]cocarto est un outil de saisie collaborative de données structurées et géospatialisées, développé par et disponible librement sur
Lino Galiana
@[email protected]Data scientist at Insee (🇨🇵 statistical office).
#Python 🐍 and #Rstats enthousiast. Avocating in favor of #opensource and #opendata
Loves teaching, notably #Python 🐍 for data scientists,
Loves #dataviz, especially maps
Denis Vannier
@[email protected]Journaliste qui pose des questions à des bases de données et raconte ses trouvailles dans des cartes. #environnement #urbanisme #politique Publie dans Médiacités, Splann, Discloses, Kometa... #python #qgis #earthengine #mapbox
Alexis Jacomy
@[email protected]Writes #dataviz web apps at
Mostly toots about failed canvas and WebGL experiments
@[email protected]Agence Dataviz + Design d'information //