Creative Code Cool Cats (partial)
By Nick Fox-Gieg @[email protected]A Mastodon translation of @[email protected]'s "Creative Code Cool Cats" list from Bluesky. (Only discoverable accounts added.)
@[email protected]Brooklyn, NY USA - Manufacturer, open-source hardware, certified Minority and Woman-owned Business Enterprise (M/WBE) Teaching, sharing, #engineering #DIY #electronics #opensource #opensourcehardware #hardware #python #circuitpython #arduino, #raspberrypi #art #hacking... account is managed by @ladyada @ptorrone no bots, all toots are from either ladyada or pt, blame them :)

Zach Gage
@[email protected]Co-founder of Puzzmo.
I make deep games that are easy to get into. Also conceptual art.
Julian Oliver
@[email protected]Artist / critical engineer / educator / infrastructure activist.
I make and teach tech art, exhibiting internationally since the late 90's.
I also deploy secure infrastructure for defenders of human rights and the environment, and help them stay safe with best-practice information and operations security.
Bows, arrows & rainforest conservation when I can.
Pākehā, Tangata Tiriti, he/him, herbivore

Robert Yang
@[email protected]Artist, indie game developer, level designer, practicing homosexual. // I don't really use Mastodon much anymore. I'm most active on Bluesky:

Joanie ✔️😉
@[email protected]Visual artist
Light as a medium, space as a canvas

Patricio Gonzalez Vivo
@[email protected]- Clockmaker -
Author of @bookofshaders , #PixelSpirit. Lead developer of #glslViewer and #LYGIA

Memo Akten
@[email protected]Curious philomath; artist; musician; researcher; AI whisperer;
Artist creating Speculative Simulations & Data Dramatizations exploring intricacies of human-machine entanglements; perception and states of consciousness; the tensions between ecology, technology, science & spirituality;
PhD from Goldsmiths University of London in artistic and creative applications of Deep Neural Networks (AI) with Meaningful Human Control;
Asst Prof of Computational / New Media Art @ UCSD Visual Arts;

Sam Lavigne
@[email protected]

@[email protected]Creative developer building interactive installations, games & music for museums, brands, public art, fashion, data viz, education & goodness. North of Boston.

@[email protected]Technology, Society, and Critical Making (since 2008)

Omer Shapira
@[email protected]High-functioning millennial ■ AI Research, XR, Robotics, Omniverse @ NVIDIA ■ VFX⎯Mathematics⎯Electronic Elsewheres ■ Opinions mine, you can't have them

@[email protected]An open source C++ toolkit for creative coding.

Daniel Shiffman
@[email protected]Choo choo!

Chris Coleman
@[email protected]Artist, Professor of Emergent Digital Practices, Critical Arts Engineer, Director of the Clinic for Open Source Arts. He/They

@[email protected]Art & code since 1994 | generative artist / dev at frog Oslo

Nick Fox-Gieg
@[email protected]Experimental animator.

@[email protected]A generative photographer working at the intersection of imperfection and curiosity. All work in-camera on a smartphone unless noted. PFP uses my @stoopidavatar

@[email protected]mostly graphics

Elliot Woods
@[email protected]Artist 1 of 2 from Kimchi and Chips

@[email protected]Emmy award winning new media artist, designer, developer, educator. I specialize in large-scale installations, graphics programming, and virtual reality that redefines social boundaries in public spaces through immersive experiences and generative compositions.

Dan Moore
@[email protected]Adjunct Prof @NewSchool
Creative/Designer/Developer/Technologist at Someplace
#RIP @fffffat and @makefakelove
#MTID @CarnegieMellon
@creativeinquiry PUNK

@[email protected]Try / Share / Iterate — Creative Technologist / Chief of Innovation @bonjourdpt

Reza Ali
@[email protected]Interested in graphics and economics

@[email protected]Simply an artist who practices and meditates generative mediums