CSSDay NL 2024

Matthias Zöchling (33)

Achievement unlocked: A photo with my Accessibility Heroine @SaraSoueidan 😊

Who happens to be the best kind of party pooper.

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Excellent conference so far, I learned a lot on day 1 of . Obviously, we are now associating CSS Grid with balloons; thanks @rachelandrew.

Maybe today it’ll be Flexbox and blimps. We’ll see.

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@kizu with an important reminder for the entire community to not wait until specs are set in stone, but instead get involved. Give feedback!

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Thanks to the sponsors, obviously the speakers, @KrijnHoetmer, @ppk, and everyone behind the scenes who made two great days.

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Wow, it’s been at least five years since I last set foot on a plane. (I can’t remember what brought me to Dusseldorf in 2019, plane or train.)

Goodbye Vienna, in the upcoming two days I’ll be enjoying the crème de la crème of the CSS world. Looking forward to . 🤩

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@julia_miocene Do you have to put a “No Divs Were Harmed in the Making of This Character” disclaimer next to your creations?


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Thanks @fantasai and everyone in the Web Standards world for doing what you are doing. The people in this church and online would probably not have the career they’re having without you.

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