CSSDay NL 2024

Roel Nieskens (14)

My talk "Problems Solved By OpenType"* is on YouTube!

I try to show the awesome things that fonts can do, the problems they can solve, and how you can figure out what YOUR font can do. Also, schwoopies.

* Full title: "Details Subjectively Improved By OpenType Layout Features And CSS"


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In my talk "Problems Solved by OpenType" I showed how you can upgrade "prose" and "technical" writing (and other details) with your font's features.

Bart Hendrix made a CodePen of the entire demo! Use the toggle to turn OpenType features on/off to see their impact: codepen.io/barthendrix/pen/gOJ

(As always, to find out what *your* font can do, use wakamaifondue.com!)

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Well, one more practice for my talk, then off to Amsterdam!

Got a nice mix of excitement and omg-omg-omg going on, but the idea of maybe turning one or two people on to nice web typography makes it all worth it. Woot!

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I love the idea that today, over 300 people will pour themselves a coffee, tea or other beverage in this mug, thinking about how fricking awesome was, and missing everyone already.

Proost to you all!

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Bummed that I missed @mia and @bramus at the pre-CSSDay meetup.

On the other hand, I had plenty of free time to imagine what their talks would be about. I liked @mia showing her knife throwing roombas running on AmigaOS (with only 1½ attendees seriously injured!) and I especially liked @bramus's live coding by dribbling a live hamster on his keyboard (0 injured)

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Benefits from severe train delays on my way to , ranked by order of importance:

• There is now a slide with kittens

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Three newsletters, if you're into that sort of thing! Apropos the question "how to know what's going on in type" asked at

📕 Typographic Sporadic
A bit of everything, all fileable under typography and design.

📗 Future Fonts: In Case You Blinked
Good way to get the skinny on up and coming indie fonts.

📘 Fresh Fonts
New font releases and foundry news. If your have an "Inspiration" label, slap it on this.

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