52 awesome F# accounts on Mastodon.
@[email protected]Dysfunctional programmer • Test infected • XP practictioner • Writes bugs in C# F# Haskell Lisp • Loves Emacs and Cherry MX Blue
Don Syme
@[email protected]GitHub Next, F# Language Designer, Copilot Workspace Originator
Work/tech/social. Opinions are my own
Chris P. #1️⃣
@[email protected]Software Developer, dad, animal person. Maybe not in that order? #opensource
You'll mostly see me posting about #TTRPG, #GameDev, #Programming / #SoftwareDevelopment (primarily #DotNet, #FSharp, and #FunctionalProgramming, but also lots of others!), #parenting, and a little bit of #Woodworking.
I used to post about #HamRadio over on @b4ux1t3, but now I do that here!
Jari Pennanen
@[email protected]Developer. This is my main account for the time being. I have six profiles now on Mastodon, sigh.
I will remove followers who haven't posted anything.
Jordan Marr
@[email protected]Here to talk about F#.
Please check out my F# OSS projects:
Patrick Drechsler
@[email protected]software crafter, TDD, FP, F#, DDD
work: BLOBA* developer (mostly C#)
*BLOBA: Boring-Line-Of-Business-Application
Helping people & projects dealing with 'legacy'.
dostojewski probably would have written better tickets than you.
Jon Sagara
@[email protected]Husband. Father. Professional nerd (C#/F#). Pretend woodworker. He/Him.
Jérémie Chassaing
@[email protected]thinkbeforecoding 🧠👉🏻💻 / Software Gardener 🌼🌿🌺 Architect at d-edge / 14y of DDD and ES. F# lover and occasional contributor. Crazy Farmers author. He/him.
Ernst Greiner 🇪🇺
@[email protected]#Developer since three decades, #fediverse citizen, #SchleFaZ fan
Sergey Tihon 🦔 🦀
@[email protected]Urs Enzler 🐉
@[email protected]More awesome maker. I write about software architecture, design, F# and occasionally about mountain biking.
C# since 2002, F# since 2020
Chet Husk
@[email protected]Functional Programmer. .NET SDK/MSBuild/Templating PM @Microsoft
. @IonideProject
contributor. :heart: F# on Linux. he/him.
Mangel Maxime
@[email protected]Active open source contributor around #fsharp, #fable and #javascript
Amaury Levé
@[email protected]🇫🇷 Dev working on @dotnet testing tools @microsoft DevDiv. F# enthusiast. Opinions are my own.
Bill Eubanks
@[email protected]Enthusiastic learner of two beautiful languages: Italian and F#.
@[email protected]F# programmer. FLOSS and privacy/digital sovereignty advocate
Can plug in a USB cable on the first try (USB-C only)
@[email protected]Dotnet Developer working in the water industry. Lover of F#. 15 years in the industry and still very much a beginner.
@[email protected]Currently using Typescript & F# to make stuff
Mikael Lundin 🍀🥦♻️
@[email protected]Maker of Software and gamer at heart. Author of the book Testing with F#