520 awesome Swift accounts on Mastodon.
@[email protected]Official: https://twitter.com/swiftonsecurity/status/1588670921489125377
computer security person at a place. former helpdesk. they/them/tay. Microsoft MVP, Client Security
@[email protected]The Server-Side Swift Conference. 26th-27th September 2024. Organised by @0xTim
Thomas Ricouard
@[email protected]🍎 SwiftUI engineer
🤖 AI Stuff
👨💻 Staff iOS engineer @medium
🇫🇷 Entrepreneur, iOS/macOS & more
🫡 Previously @glose 📖 @google 🔍 & various other
🧊 Maker of @IceCubesApp, an open source Mastodon client in SwiftUI: https://github.com/Dimillian/IceCubesApp
Download it on the App Store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/ice-cubes-for-mastodon/id6444915884
Also on Threads: https://www.threads.net/@dimillian
Holly Borla
@[email protected]👩🏻💻 Engineering manager of the Swift language team @ Apple. Member of the open source #SwiftLang Core Team, Language Workgroup, and Diversity in Swift Workgroup. 👩🏻🏫 Interested in education, and mentorship in open source communities. 🩰 Classical ballet enthusiast.
@[email protected]#IceCubesApp, an open source, collaborative, #SwiftUI #Mastodon client.
https://github.com/Dimillian/IceCubesApp made by @dimillian
Download it on the App Store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/ice-cubes-for-mastodon/id6444915884
Sindre Sorhus
@[email protected]Full-time open-sourcerer & indie Mac developer. Swift & Node.js.
Doug Gregor
@[email protected]Dad, husband, Swift language designer and Swift/C++/ObjC compiler implementor, Author, Generic Programming aficionado. He/him.
Sima Nerush
@[email protected]SwiftUI @ Apple
Dave Verwer
@[email protected]Author of iOS Dev Weekly and co-creator of the Swift Package Index.
I much prefer email to private mentions here. You can email me at [email protected].
Paul Hudson
@[email protected]I write Swift and write about Swift, but most people prefer my dogs.
Ted Kremenek
@[email protected]I lead the Languages and Runtimes team at Apple (Swift, C++). I am a member of Swift Core Team.
@[email protected]Crazy Mac lady. Mac developer. Lover of Apple computers and devices. Swift & SwiftUI enthusiast. Unofficial Mac app dev evangelist.
Tim Condon
@[email protected]Engineer, geek, triathlete. @codevapor core team. Founder @brokenhandsio. Server-side Swift @kodecodev. Organiser @swiftserverconf @NSManchester He/him
Rob Napier
@[email protected]Swift and Go. Love 'em both. They make me mad in completely different ways. Infosec as required. robnapier.net
Rejected by App Review
@[email protected]Reposts silly rejections from Apple’s App Review team. Send a screenshot of your rejection or post it with the #RejectedByAppReview hashtag.
Kaylee ♡
@[email protected]Regenerated girl.
Transbian • Transhumanist, atheist, ancom • Aphantasic
Gamer grill, gamedev enthusiast • Lover of languages and codes • Swift/app dev
Posts mainly about life and trans joy, boosts of positive news and cute stuff.
Marcin Krzyzanowski
@[email protected] unrelated. I'm here for bugs.
iOS at GoodNotes
☈ https://cryptoswift.io 👨💻 https://swiftstudio.app 🛠 TextKit certified expert ⎈
Text editor implementer by night https://github.com/krzyzanowskim/STTextView
Ben Cohen
@[email protected]thwart leader
@[email protected] Distinguished Educator. Professor Tech & Business, Boston College. YouTube.com/profgallaugher. iOS, SwiftUI, Maker, CircuitPython, advisor to student entrepreneurs, founder Boston College TechTrek field studies (SF, Silicon Valley, Seattle, NY, Boston, Ghana).
binaryfox 🦊
@[email protected]Programmer, bookworm, photographer, radio nerd and certified Internet fox. Excuse the brevity. Typing is difficult with paws. 18+ only.