214 awesome Nix accounts on Mastodon.

nix Nix
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NGI Zero open source funding
@[email protected]

NGI Zero is a grant making programme for R&D within free and open source technology, coordinated by @nlnet in collab with @fsfe, @APC, @ps, @techcultivation, @ros, @fsi, @nixos_org, Tolerant Networks, HAN University, Brno University, APELL, @ISOCSwitzerland, OW2, OFE & more | delivers technology for the

Image: Christofer Jeschke via Unsplash.

Last posted 4 days ago
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Last posted 1 week ago
Posts 655
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🇺🇦 haxadecimal
@[email protected]

(SW Defined Radio)

HP calculator simulation at microcode level
Maker (with John Doran) of Nixie tube RPN calculators
CHM PDP-1 Restoration Team
Damned dirty ape
Call sign N2ES
cis male
Not a tame programmer
in , not far from

Last posted 1 day ago
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and fanboy & contributor (, , )

hopelessly idealistic - realistically pessimistic

values science & facts over feelgood-ism

Last posted 1 day ago
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★ Es gibt nix Gutes, ausser 😷 toot es
★ Boosted means boss move
★ Weckt mich wenn Revolution ist
★ Alpaca 🦙 Ozelot 🐆 Axolotl 🦎
★ Allen alles
★ Auf allen Spektren

Community care for mental health, mutual aid for all.

Life is difficult in these times, feel free to ask me for help.

write: D/E/F/ read: Sp/It/Port

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 11,053
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Following ▼ 1,209

Science fanboy.

Software developer, previously software tester. , , . Some , , and (Ti-83)

Otherwise interested in , , , , , TLA+, and / .

Ran a troup for a while.

Speaks Dutch, English, German, some French, and a tiny bit of Mandarin and Spanish.

Last posted 1 month ago
Posts 948
Followers 331
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blobfoxmegumin 🏳️‍🌈🎃🇧🇷Luana🇧🇷🎃🏳️‍🌈 verified
@[email protected]

• She/Her • 19 • 🇧🇷, talk 🇧🇷🇬🇧 • Valve & FOSS fangirl • Mermaid 🧜‍♀️ • 🏳️‍🌈 Lesbian ⚢ •

Loves , , and . everything. user.



Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 15,455
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Ann Arborite, computerist, cat dad, best on the mountain, my initials are BAD so all my ideas are BAD ideas. . keybase.io/bdimcheff. DM for signal.

also @bdimcheff on a2mi.social for Ann Ann Arboreal things.

were a mistake but I do etc. I like in particular and in general. Have been known to .

Last posted 4 months ago
Posts 337
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Edmund Miller
@[email protected]

PhD Candidate @ UT Dallas in the Functional Genomics Lab
nf-core maintainer
Office mate to @monimiller


Last posted 2 days ago
Posts 848
Followers 502
Following ▼ 911
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Sr. Estegosaurio 🦕
@[email protected]

A random from Europe, informatic wannabe.
Really interested in programming, privacy, security & philosophy. Plus other cool things.

anarchism ancomheart

Currently struggling with nixos.

Don't be shy, I only have my account private due to bots and stuff. I don't bite. (most of the time).

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 2,448
Followers 341
Following ▼ 800
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Martin Majc0 OM0MO Brechtl
@[email protected]

"role" : “ ",
"certifications" : ["", "", "", ""],
"interests" : ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""],
"hobbies" : ["", "", "", "", "", "volleyball"],
"HAMcallsign" : "OM0MO",
“location” : [“”, "", “”, ""],
"photolinks" : ["flickr.com/photos/martinbrecht", "unsplash.com/@Majc0", "qrz.com/db/OM0MO"],

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 325
Followers 470
Following ▼ 789
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Gaeilge, NixOS, Bogearraí saora, Eite chlé, Esperanto, Rothaíocht, Rotharcharr (Velomobile)

Last posted 3 days ago
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Fractional-CTO, and polyglot software engineer (, , , , , , , ) with focus on building and scaling infrastructure, platforms and SaaS products end-to-end.

Tolerates writing for good money.

Has a penchant for , , , .

Antifascist, immigrant, gay af, she/her.

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 1,838
Followers 1,818
Following ▼ 666
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@[email protected]

Tech by the people, for the people.

Washing up ⌨️ washing up sorting socks raspberrypi 🗜️ ⚙️ taxi service ubuntu shopping
⚛️ cooking 🧮 homework 🧘🏻‍♂️
Pro nouns: but verbs are good too if used right. :meshtastic: 🦀 rust debian nixos

Last posted 1 day ago
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Followers 270
Following ▼ 618
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[ Any Pronouns ]

Hiya! I'm a weirdo hyena who does stuff online sometimes.
Here's some things about me:
progresspride_flag I'm agender, biromantic, and asexual
🌱 I'm a vegan, and not one of the good ones
blobfoxthink I'm probably a Libertarian Socialist, but I don't have the mental capacity to read political theory
I have ADD and autism
nix_snowflake_logo I love NixOS
twitch_logo I stream sometimes

Last posted 1 month ago
Posts 88
Followers 91
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Stéphan Kochen
@[email protected]

I like building things for the web! Hope that's okay. (he/him)

Author of castling.club, & enthousiast.

Last posted 2 days ago
Posts 815
Followers 287
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@[email protected]

Essen und Radfahren

No alt Text? No boost! 🤷‍♀️

Folgeanfragen werden nur angenommen, wenn ich so ungefähr erahnen kann, warum Du mir folgen willst. Und auch dann nur, wenn sonst nix dagegen spricht :-P

Bildbeschreibung Header: Auf einer Seebrücke am Meer steht ein Lastenrad mit Tourengepäck.

Bildbeschreibung Profilbild: Nussschnecken auf einem Kuchengitter.

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 7,965
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Emily Trau 🏳️‍⚧️
@[email protected]

nix type of gay. sometimes i ctf. she/her
📍 melbourne, australia

Last posted 1 week ago
Posts 245
Followers 945
Following ▼ 535
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Travis A. Everett
@[email protected]

I code/write/edit. Fixing w/ + github.com/abathur/resholve. Built escarp.org literary review. admin. Uploaded to Crackerz without Yammer approval. Hopefully lazy-loading books into my wetware. Houston.

Last posted 2 days ago
Posts 344
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