Martijn Faassen
@[email protected]Me grok write code. Rust, Typescript, Python, JavaScript. Created: Morepath, lxml, Xot. Also: gardener, science & history fan, living life fan.
I post a lot about programming as well as gardening pictures. If you come for just the gardening pictures the programming talk may baffle you. If you're a programmer, I invite you to enjoy the flowers!
Sean Kelly
@[email protected]NASA reject ⎸ Python hacker ⎸ science fiction and science fact ⎸ /ʃɔːn/ /ˈkɛli/ ⎸ Avatar = me with whatever hair dye I had on hand ⎸ Banner = JWST star field ⎸ Also jokes

JC Brand
@[email protected]Software development and electronic music.
Works mainly with XMPP.
Creator of

Paul Everitt
@[email protected]Python and Web Developer Advocate at
. Python oldster, Zope/Plone/Pyramid mafia. Girls lacrosse, running.
Mikel Larreategi
@[email protected]
🐍 python 🏔️ mendia ♟️ xakea 🥖 ogia
Eibar, Euskal Herria
Mendebaldeko giputxi faltsu bat.

David Glick
@[email protected]Plone, Python, software engineering, open source. Currently building web portals at kitconcept. Mostly posting about cats and tech. Seattle, WA • he/him

@[email protected]This is the official account for the Plone Community, the Plone Foundation and the Plone CMS.
Jens W. Klein
@[email protected]FOSS+OpenAccess/hacker/geek: Linux, #python, #plone, secure web + more. Community gardener. [email protected], family, German-Tyrolean-European.
Guido Stevens
@[email protected]MBA. Maker. #FOSS tech entrepreneur. Polymath. Polyglot. Community builder. Rationalist mystic. Buddhist. Two daughters. Infinitely curious.
#ecocide #collapsology #futures #history #complexity #buddhism #deepecology #technoloy #photography #nature #fedi22

Martin Aspeli
@[email protected]Partner, Deloitte Digital UK • Habitual coder • Heuristic thinker • Recovering Plonista

Johannes Raggam
@[email protected]mostly noise

Luca Fabbri
@[email protected]Full stack developer (with a lot of humor).
Opinions are from my own wife.
Recently: working with climate change stuff, more than I could like.
Even more recently: sci-fi author -
@[email protected]Python, Tech, infosec, SEGA. In Leeds.
@[email protected]CTO Emeritus at V! Studios, now living the good life in #Barcelona Spain. I like #food #cooking #python #cloud #serverless and obscure #music -- not necessarily in that order.

Eric Steele
@[email protected]Make my funk the Plone funk.

Éric Bréhault
@[email protected]As a kid, I wanted to become a firefighter *and* a clown. Web developer is actually a decent mix of both. My life is a success.

@[email protected]Geek since I was able to walk. Bootstrapped & powered by Open Source. Founder,, and Wave chaser.

Tiberiu Ichim
@[email protected]Always searching for cool. #Plone, #Volto, #React, ML, #Python developer. Thoughts and rants galore.

Roel Bruggink
@[email protected]Bangs on drums. Rocks socks off.
Steve Piercy
@[email protected]Contributor to open source projects Plone, Pyramid, and Deform. Everyday cyclist. Backyard farmer. Tree hugger. Living simply.

@[email protected]Software developer. Focus on frontend & accessibility. Music, apps gaming and all things tech lover.
He/ him

Alessandro Pisa
@[email protected]
I am symbiotic with open source.
My favourite programming language is #Python and my actual main activity is developing and managing #Plone sites.
I love motorsport #Ayrton #VR46

Víctor Fernández de Alba
@[email protected]

@[email protected]
Plone, Zope, Python ... what else?

Alin Voinea
@[email protected]Volto, Plone, Python, Docker, Rancher, React, jQuery, DevOps, you name it...

Armin Stross-Radschinski
@[email protected]Digital Dinosaur
@[email protected]Quaive is a secure social collaboration platform. It integrates communication and document collaboration in a single, easy-to-use platform.
Quaive is designed, made and hosted in the #EU. It extends the #opensource #plone CMS and is GPL licensed.