584 awesome TypeScript accounts on Mastodon.

Axel Rauschmayer
@[email protected]Topics: #JavaScript #TypeScript #fedi22
Other interests:
– Languages: German, English, French, Spanish, Dutch, Mandarin
– Sustainability, degrowth, permaculture, urbanism
– Tiny houses
– Education
– Psychology, getting out of one’s head, heart-centered living
– Minimalist spirituality: Advaita, Daoism, Buddhism, Christian mysticism, J. Krishnamurti, …
I live in Munich. http://pronoun.is/he
– Photos: @rauschma
– 💬 Languages: @langtales
Christian Pietsch
@[email protected]Diplom-Computerlinguist, Vater, Radler. Aus einem Land, das es zum Glück nicht mehr gibt.
Tröts vor 06.08.2024: https://suma-ev.social/@christian
Tröts vor 18.01.2024: https://digitalcourage.social/@chpietsch
Tröts vor 06.11.2019: https://chaos.social/@chpietsch
Tagsüber arbeite ich als #Bibliothekswesen und #Wissensarbeiter an der #UniBielefeld, wo ich z.B. an der wissenschaftlichen Suchmaschine @base mitarbeite & das #GitLab der Uni betreibe.
Nachts betreibe ich die #OpenScience-FAQ @askopenscience und die #Fediverse-Server von https://fsub.de und https://datenfreu.de (https://fedifreu.de).
Aktivismus: @Datenpunks, @switchingsoftware, @neuSoM, #Antifa.
Mitgliedschaften: @ADFC @Artikel5eV #CCC #SuMa-EV #verdi
Evt. suchbar mit tootfinder.ch.
Le Portail des médias libres
@[email protected]Revue de presse quotidienne par l'équipe de Basta! (@bastamedia) qui sélectionne le meilleur de la presse indépendante à partir d’une centaine de sources fiables, toutes indépendantes des grands intérêts commerciaux, industriels et financiers. Avec, des grands dossiers « événement », des articles classés par thématique et une carte des alternatives.
Karsten Schmidt
@[email protected]Interdisciplinary open so(u)rcery, computational art/craft/design, landscape photography, electronic music, education. See pinned toots for more info!
Unless stated otherwise, all published images/media (except boosts/linked content) is my own work & copyright by me. Most posts delete after 3 months.
Available for consulting/commissions. Searchable.
#ThingUmbrella #GenerativeArt #LandscapePhotography #NoAI #TypeScript #Zig #WebAssembly #Forth #GLSL #Houdini #DigitalFabrication #Geometry #CellularAutomata #EvolutionaryComputing #PermaComputing #AxiDraw #DSP #Synth #Music4Coding #Hiking #Nature
Bethany Brookshire
@[email protected]Science journalist, podcaster, author. Pests: How Humans Create Animal Villains out December 6 from Ecco. Here for the trash pandas.
@[email protected]Research #Astrophysics #Plasmas #Fluids in transition to #ecology #biodiversity conservation #CNRS
#Nature 🚵♂️ #MountainBiking
#Art stuff (#music #photo) @jaztrophysicist
"Musico-scientifique chelou" & paparoizzo (@Qi2Navet)
"Fait autre chose avec des équations mais on sait pas quoi" (@MadameMollette)
Influenceur dégâts des eaux
PP @VieilOgre
Banner: Andorra Madriu Valley, T & biodiversity stripes
Silke Jäger
@[email protected]Medizinjournalistin. Frei. Medizin. Ethik. Gesundheit.
Ich verteile hier viele Tröts meiner Herzensprojekte @RiffReporter @Krautreporter
Verfallsdatum Tröts: 4 Wochen
Stefan Baumgartner
@[email protected]Developer writing about #rust and #typescript. Movie buff. Looking into Lego and alternate vendors. @ddprrt on Twitter, Reddit, GitHub. Not a real parrot. Also not dead.
Rob Carlson
@[email protected]Coder, pest of local gov'ts, mason & tech nerd. PA/USA.
Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, USA. (he/him)
Work: Software Developer, System Architect.
Hobbies: #HamRadio Operator, #Freemasonry (PM #93 AF&AM ), #Flashlights, #Scouts, #PTA, #RaspberryPi, #arduino.
Interested in: #React, #RubyOnRails, #Python, #DevOps, #ProjectManagement, #SocialJustice, #Equity, #LocalGovernment, #LocalSchools.
Comfortably Numb
@[email protected]Principal software engineer. AWS/CDK/TypeScript.
Interests: Pink Floyd, Star Trek, coding, biking, VR, cats. Not necessarily in this order.
m0bi ⁂
@[email protected]Wędruję, robię software, konsultuję, piszę: porady i apka dla nowych osób na #Mastodon #ManganApp
Wyprawy rowerem, kajakiem, żaglówką, koleją i pieszo.
dev #systems #web #linux
#digital #activist #decentralize
#NextCloud #LineageOs #unGoogle #Ghost #WriteFreely
Zaimki: On/Jego He/Him
#FediPomoc #bike #retromtb #kayak #sailing #nature #hiking #camping #slowlife #carfree #zerowaste #reuse #repair #diy #cats #dogs #baking #cooking #python #flask #php #typescript #kde #feditipspl
Web developer | Computer engineer | Linux enthusiast | Indie game developer
Mostly code in #javascript #typescript #nodejs #python #gdscript #godot
Sometimes I #blog or play my #guitar
My interests include #programming #linux #webdev #gamedev #indiedev #gaming #retrogaming #computers #scifi #books
Joel Drapper
@[email protected]Full-stack #Ruby / #Rails / #TypeScript / #CSS engineer, CEO of #HTMX, formerly at Clearscope and Shopify — author and maintainer of the gems #Phlex, Morphlex, Literal, Quickdraw — cohost the @rooftop podcast.
Shouty person
@[email protected]Si Clarke (she/her): sci-fi without the pew-pew
Elliott Hay (two Ts and any pronouns): cosy vengeance
Not all disabilities are visible.
Not a woman.
#Immunocompromised #WearAMask #CovidIsntOver
Charité Berlin
@[email protected]Dies ist der offizielle Mastodon-Account der Charité. Hier postet, moderiert und kommentiert das Team der Wissenschaftskommunikation gemeinsam mit dem Social-Media-Team. Tröts über #Medizin, #Forschung und #Wissenschaft.
This is the official Mastodon account of Charité. Here, the science communication team and social media team will be publishing, moderating, and commenting on toots about #medicine, #research, and #science.
Covid Stats
@[email protected]Stats from https://corona.lmao.ninja/
Reply to my toots with "sub" or "unsub" to subscribe and unsubscribe to get daily notifications for that region.
Bot source https://github.com/comster/covid19_stats
Created by @jeffpelton
🌸🇪🇺 Dreamy Mia 🏳️⚧️🌸
@[email protected]I am a tiny, awe-struck being on a speck of dust soaring through the universe, and now, let's marvel at it together.
💖 @0xDokki
💞 I love humans
🌇 Urbanist
👩💻 FOSS advocate
📖 Access to Knowledge extremist
🤖 Artificial Being Rights Activist
💊 Patient Autonomy Radicalist
🚴♀️ Bicycle rider
💐 Loves Flowers
boosts are welcome
flirts are welcome
#queer #opensource #webdev #foss #golang #js #ts #transfem #pride #A2K #ai #llm #fedi22
🔞MDNI 🚳technophobes DNI
Mathieu Goux
@[email protected]Chercheur en linguistique française et en jeu vidéo.
Rach Smith
@[email protected]Writing the React, fighting with the application state, designing the GraphQL APIs, cursing the TypeScript errors, learning Golang, migrating the databases, and admiring the amazing content at @codepen
An Aussie living in Gubbi Gubbi country ☀️
Mathilde Saliou
@[email protected]Journaliste tech, médias, égalité
✍️ Principalement chez Next.ink
🎧 Podcast Algorithmique : https://next.ink/podcasts/
📬 Dans vos boîtes mail avec Technoculture : https://technoculture.kessel.media/
📰 lue dans the Guardian, 20 Minutes, Numerama, Slate, etc
📖 Technoféminisme, comment le numérique aggrave les inégalités : https://www.grasset.fr/livre/technofeminisme-9782246828822/