It seems like our joint stand with @forgejo at has been accepted, thank you @fosdem!

For those of you that don't know, is an annual conference for free and open source software taking place in Brussels. We'll be there throughout the event to exchange words and/or stickers with some of you.

See you in February!


123 56 2

My 2024 in tech – UPDATED
- Jan-May: same old same old
- mid-Jun: I started the blog
- Jul: I started doing interoperability tests between projects
- Aug: I federated my Wordpress site, joined Friendica and 3 content aggregators. More tests
- Sep: I federated 2 more WP sites
- Oct: I joined
- Nov: I got a and installed Ubuntu on it; started learning
- Dec: I joined & am researching VPSs

🔜 heading to next Feb 🥳

58 8 9

I’m a total newbie but reading the list of accepted stands at is getting me sooo excited about attending: fosdem.org/2025/news/2024-11-1

I hear talks at make it feel like a 2 week conference packed in two days. I can’t wait to see the program.

This will be the first IRL conference I will attend since Women of the World in London (early March 2020). Then the world shut down. And then I had a baby (who’s now almost 4).

I’ve got 40 min to study Linux before she wakes up 😅

56 20 8

Combined with the impressive downward curve of cost for battery storage in general, this WILL lead to something the big power companies really fear: decentralised, local grids. With renewables and storage combined in ways, when done right, that gets us to effectively free electricity for private households. See you at in the devroom on Energy Transition with open source and open standards? Let’s build the Fedigrid! lists.fosdem.org/pipermail/fos 2/5

52 33 4

Nach dem ist ja die Post-Congress-Depression . Aber bis zum sind ja nur ~50 mal Offener Hackspace in den meisten Hackspaces und viel . und es ist ja schon Tag -360. Und natürlich die Events, die du mitorganiseirst.

47 21 1

With the amount of public and private notifications of people contracting / , , , and a plethora of other illnesses transmitted through the respiratory system, I'm quite happy with opportunistically but largely consistently at . I'm fine, but I only consider our group clear by the 6th. Everyone in this group is ated to their teeth of course, that helps.

Anyway, you'll see me at in public spaces again.

Consider doing the same?

46 19 2

I have 50 tickets to to share. First come, first serve. DMs are open. (just kidding. FOSDEM is open to all since 25 years. No tickets, no registration. Just be there and enjoy. Do buy the T-Shirt, though, OK?) fosdem.org

32 17 4

Don't forget to submit your devroom application for . Deadline tomorrow night.
Or ... do forget if you want to make our selection easier ;)

31 30 0