16693 awesome accounts on Mastodon.
Menuclassique (R. Beaugimond)
@[email protected]✍️Auteur de #tricotlitteraire
🚲 Vélotafeur #velotaf
✒️Poète https://www.calameo.com/books/00763417535bfa5c505b4?authid=VQF3cKjeRMH6
👨🏫Prof de Lettres #teamprof
👨👩👦 Papa heureux
📖Lecteur et commentateur de SFF, poésie, etc.
🧭Cartographe sur #streetcomplete
🖥️ Team Linux
♻️ Composteur référent, RCC Aura
J'officie à 📍 Valence, France.
Andreas Fornberg 👑
@[email protected]Vänsterpartist som gillar datorer, linux, nätverk, servers, opensource, skräck, scifi filmer, metal musik.
#vänsterpartiet #socialist #dator #linux #nätverk #öppenkod #skräck #scifi #filmer #metal #musik #computer #network #opensource #horror #movies #music #antiracist #fedi22
Mildly geeky and left-handed. Waste, er, spend time on #raspberrypi and #linux in addition to #WordsWithFriends, #photography and calmly (most of the time) following world happenings. Most frequently in the #Seattle area.
@[email protected]I teach Hydraulic Engineering and research in urban hydraulics and renewable energy integration. I am also quite interested in Free Software and sustainable mobility.
Highlighted sets of posts:
- Related with Hydraulics (EN/ES): https://mastodon.social/@antoniovr/tagged/urbanhydraulics
- Relacionados con la bici en Dinamarca (ES):
- Related with Sustainable Mobility (EN):
University profile: https://personas.upct.es/perfil/avigueras.rodriguez
@[email protected]Thinking about tomorrow's threats against human rights and the open Internet. Frustrated Optimist, open source nerd, gardener, salsa dancer, cook, husband, dad, embarrassed Texan. Opinions here are my own. he/they
@[email protected]I love art, music and stories, I'm a linux user and I just want some friends...driver of stunning wheelchair by the way 🧑🦽
Rod2ik 🇪🇺 🇨🇵 🇪🇸 🇺🇦 🇩🇰 🇨🇦
@[email protected]Teacher in #Maths & #ComputerScience
#OpenSource #Developer #foss #AI #IA
& Team #NSI
Posts on #Science, #Tech, #Education, ( #geo? ) #Politics, #AI #crypto #infosec and any stuff.
#free as in #f__cking #free (software, mind & world)
Let's #follow each other 🤘
Maurício.Santos 🇧🇷🇪🇺🇮🇹
@[email protected]Software Engineer, Back-end developer C#, Outsystems developer
Breathing London
@[email protected]Monitoring the Air Pollution in London since 2010.
- data from http://londonair.org.uk
- bot by
Posts are (usually) every 30 minutes.
@[email protected]Immigrant native New Yorker. Product person. Into open data and open source. Ex-Moderator of the Firefox sub-reddit.
Into #retrocomputing #firefox #haikuos #ux #design #openstreetmap #opensource #opendata #writing #retrogaming #linux #debian #bazzite #btrfs #music
Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle
@[email protected]Médico de família e comunidade, doutor em epidemiologia, editor científico certificado. Interessado por pesquisa em atenção primária; ciclismo urbano; software livre; ficção científica e fantasia; e muito mais. Nascido em 340 ppm.
Family and community physician, doctor in epidemiology, certified scientific editor. Interested in primary care research; bike commuting; free software; science fiction and fantasy; and much more. Born at 340 ppm (he/him)
Above Maidstone
@[email protected]Aircraft flying within an approximate 10 mile radius around Maidstone. I am very noisy!
Some of the information might not be accurate, I am working to improve accuracy.
Posts deleted after 7 days.
Thomas Dorr
@[email protected]A technology enthusiast in #DuluthMN #fedi22 #linux #greyhounds #dnd5e
@[email protected]Game developer, web developer, writer. I also talk politics and ballot access. I make games with #HaxeFlixel and like to release my stuff as open source.
Brodie Robertson
@[email protected]Follows do not equal endorsement
Memes do not equal endorsement
pvergain (framapiaf)
@[email protected]"Il n'y a ni justice ni liberté possibles lorsque l'argent est toujours roi." Albert #Camus
RIP #AaronSwartz #DavidGraeber #VivianSilver
⚖️ #DroitsHumains
Membre du #RAAR (Réseau d'Actions contre l'Antisémitisme et tous les Racismes) et de la #LDH
#ClimateEmergency #EmergencyMode #climateaction
#StopEcocide #EndFossilFuelProtection #NoECT #ExitECT
#LogicielLibre #Python #Django #sphinx #Linux #Debian #OpenAccess #Wikipedia #Wikimedia #OpenStreetMap
@[email protected]CEO of MNT Research. OSHW laptop MNT Reform: https://mntre.com | https://shop.mntre.com | FOSS, ARM, OSHW, FPGA, Amiga, RISC-V | batcave, cyberpunk, industrial, synth/darkwave | non-binary, queer, vegan, sober
@[email protected]This is my mastodon account.
Unapologetic Leftist | bi | open-source advocate | casual urban planning and transit nerd | occasional gamer
@[email protected]World's leading Linux and Open Source web portal.