4569 awesome Open Source accounts on Mastodon.
@[email protected]Tweets entstehen in guter alter Handarbeit, seit 1892. Made in W-Germany. #Geek #Linux #OpenSource
@[email protected]Software Engineer and CS grad from India (looking for junior roles). I use Guix, btw.
I support every vulnerable group in their opposition to imperialism, settler colonialism and wage slavery. I am also a huge proponent of free, libre software.
My political spectrum is left-leaning, somewhere in between anarchism and partial-statism federalism.
Will ignore/block fascists and genocide apologist. Libs will be given temporary suspension.
Billy Halibut
@[email protected]I am a writer, illustrator and experience designer. I have worked with activist duo The Yes Men and for Shoshana Zuboff, activist-author of The Age of Surveillance Capitalism. I like open source software, movies, books, soccer and RPGs.
Find my work at billyhalibut.substack.com and billyhalibut.com !
@[email protected]Joseph Zikusooka (ZIK)
@[email protected]Passionate about IT Security, Linux, and Free/Libre Open Source software. I’m lead developer @jambula, a locally controlled and privacy based smart home hub - #Linux #Opensource #Security #Python #Smarthome
Daniel Quinn
@[email protected]#Treehugging #dotcommunist #hacker #atheist #Canadian expat trying to save the world in my free time. 🇨🇦 🇪🇺🌹
For the #Python nerds, I'm the guy who wrote Paperless, Aletheia, mt103, mpan, Majel, and django-cool-urls.
Andrea Grandi 🦕
@[email protected]Software Developer at SuperTab - Python, Go mentor at Exercism - 🏳️🌈 🇮🇹 🇪🇺 🤝 🇺🇦
#Python #Golang #photography #foss #privacy #opensource #science #tech #bass #music #food #privacy #gaming #PyConIT2025 #HamRadio #fedi22
she hacked you
@[email protected]shipwrk'd & coma-tose
drink'n fresh granat-apfel muttersaft
security researcher, open-source hardware+software engineer, ⚧dimensional slider, paradoxically lucid, bruja cibernética, exile, formally–trained geneticist, netzwerk hexe, bi-polar 2 witch-apologist, amateur mycologist, glitch wit☽h, katzenamt Bürokrat, day–dreamer, night-timer party–crasher
+poorly conceived original #music
+stupid posts in english, español y deutsche
@[email protected]Cats. Tech. Local. DIY. No hay nada más triste que madrugar. Tengo el C2 en GIFs
→ Vivo con dos gatas
→ Administro sistemas y escribo código. Por pasión publico en github y por trabajo en CENT-UJI
→ Activismo (político, medioambiental, mobilidad, urbanístico, etc…).
→ DIY: Urbanita con ínfulas campestres, ingeniero con martillo
Toots (principalmente) en castellano
😸 #cats
📢 #opensource
👨💻 #code
🛠️ #diy
🌎 #hyperlocal
🌎 #local
✊ #activism
📌 #spain
farmio / Matthias Alphart
@[email protected]Open source 🧑💻
Home Assistant 🏡
Python 🐍
Agriculture 🚜
Gabriel Henrique
@[email protected]• 26☭ - apenas um 🇧🇷 🇧🇷 🇧🇷 que é bacharel em psicologia (e desempregado)
• Mestre e jogador de PF2e debandante da rede do Kiko dos foguetes querendo um pouco mais de privacidade enquanto aprende as coisas por aqui
@[email protected]Moin, ich bin murmeldin, a.k.a. Marek.
Schüler aus Berlin, ich arbeite gerade meinem Abitur entgegen 📚.
🚀 Aktiv im Chaos Computer Club Berlin und bei Volt Berlin 💜 |
Rust 🦀 und Python 🐍 |🧗🏼Ich gehe gerne bouldern | ❄️ Ich nutze NixOS als Hauptbetriebssystem und bin ein Linux 🐧 und Open Source Enthusiast
Kurt Kremitzki
@[email protected]Biosystems engineer. Once called an "interestED person". @debian #Linux Science Maintainer, @FreeCAD #Python developer & sysadmin. Fighting game fan. DSA at-large. He. kwk.systems/donate
Jim Jones
@[email protected]Evangelizing the board gaming & RPG hobby & using #boardgames to support community. More meeples for more peoples!
Interests include: #BoardGames #RolePlayingGames #RPG #TTRPG #DnD #Sketching #Drawing #Painting #Art #Crafts #Reading #Movies #Documentaries #Podcasts #GameDesign #Writing #IT #InformationTechnology #InfoTech #PublicEducation #HigherEd #Linux #FOSS #OpenSource #Scripting #BASH #Python #Powershell #Office365 #Microsoft365 #Sysadmin #Security #InfoSec
[[Halt Processing]]
Ben Nuttall
@[email protected]Manchester based software engineer building prototypes at @BBC_News_Labs. Formerly at Raspberry Pi. Creator of gpiozero and piwheels. Into Python, Linux and all things open source.
@[email protected]Homme éclectique, informaticien (logiciel libre, admin sys avec du DevOps, dev Python, multimedia), parfois régisseur (radio, podcast, vidéo, concerts, …), trompettiste, patron (https://wlf.ac), scout, handballeur, impliqué dans l'associatif (https://FAImaison.net, https://Ouest.Network, https://asso.hk, JET FM…), parlons-en…
Pouet en FR/EN, mais principalement lurker !
Jack of many trades, doing many different things, mostly lurking, but tooting in FR and EN.
Seth G
@[email protected]Geospatial, #FOSS4G, open source. MapServer PSC member. Python, JavaScript, SQL.
@[email protected]Dev web (python/Django, HTML/CSS et surtout pas JS). J'ai l'impression d'avoir ma plaque à côté de la vie.
J'aime les petits sites internet créés par des vrais gens, les logiciels libres, l'auto-hébergement web, la randonnée et la nature.
(tags en vrac : #web, #rando, #hiking, #opensource, #photo, #photography, #nature, #knowledge, #partage, #chien, #dog, #fedi22)
Relance @randomlink quand le serveur plante :)
@[email protected]> Dabbling in Machine Learning :)
> Open-source enthusiast
> Newbie Music Producer (Dreamscape)
> Exploring #Foss #Music #Psychology #Tech #Photography #Cs #Guitar #etc
Tod Kurt (todbot)
@[email protected]runs ThingM, maker of blink(1) USB LED & BlinkM, co-founder CrashSpaceLA hackerspace, Pasadena, CA, he/him #electronics #circuitpython #arduino #rgbled #usbhid #blink1 #raspberrypipico #diysynth #eurorack #synths #synthesizers #midi #openhardware #opensource #pasadena