277 awesome Nix accounts on Mastodon.

NGI Zero open source funding
@[email protected]NGI Zero is a grant making programme for R&D of free and open source technology, coordinated by @nlnet in collab with @fsfe @APC @ps @techcultivation @ros @fsi @nixos_org @ISOCSwitzerland @apell Tolerant Networks HAN University Brno University OW2 & OFE | Delivers technology for the #NextGenerationInternet
Account is run by NLnet
IMG: C. Jeschke | Unsplash
@[email protected]I am a lecturer at #AUC (Amsterdam University College).
I teach #PoliticalEcology & #EarthScience.
I spend too much time playing around with #linux, #emacs.
I have a small blog: https://mishathings.org
I like to make #music: https://mishathings.org/music_things/
I play a small role in #BIJ1 #Amsterdam
On Matrix: https://matrix.to/#/@misha:pub.solar
Some tags of my life: #Colombia #Medellin #SOAS #London #Bombay #India #Nieuwmarkt #Heiloo
@[email protected]Synapsenkitzler 🌻
@[email protected]MECK FURZ ! 🕊️🦄 #MECKFURZ Infos+Download: https://digitalcourage.social/@synapsenkitzler/113930611602015600
Mastodon lebt, Twitter ist tot.
! update 7.1.25: Facebook & Threads (Meta) auch bald tot. 👿
Synapsenkitzler (von Synapsen kitzeln) ist meine digitale Spielwiese. Audios/Videos gibts v.a. auf https://www.youtube.com/synapsenkitzler (synapsenkitzler.de / frazy.tv offline wegen fail)
(Man kennt Synapsenkitzler ggf. durch das Lied #Frazy => https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uPV2pUiIEKg das 2010 ausgehend vom Fusionfestival 'viral' ging. S.z.B. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=saWZ7rfYZVQ&list=PLffsaXue6vjBloIvqzWw63MO5tIJqJ-9O&index=1&pp=gAQBiAQB )
Hier poste ich unregelmäßig zu allem und nix. Tendenziell mit Bezug zu IT, Humor, Gesellschaft, Gerechtigkteit.
Alle Rechten stinken, ich wähl die Linken: https://www.die-linke.de/bundestagswahl-2025/wahlprogramm/
#afdverbot 👍🦄
Elias Probst
@[email protected]#OpenSource and #OpenData fanboy & contributor (#KDE, #NixOS, #OpenStreetMap)
hopelessly idealistic - realistically pessimistic
values science & facts over feelgood-ism
Thor A. Hopland
@[email protected]I'm from BaaaaaaaaarRrrRrRRrRRgrn, Norway! I love free libre open source software AND open hardware, securing privacy and autonomy for all - because of the digital world world we live in. I'm also a recovering distro hopper, I've worked as a sysadmin (or "SysOps" I think it's called today) and I'm currently interested in getting into modern web development.
Kagan MacTane
@[email protected]Brooklyn/SF-based web developer, fan of hard SF (especially The Expanse - speak Lang Belta with me!), aspiring urban fantasy writer, lover of coyotes, accessibility, cocktails, bacon, and sushi. Bi and queer, Neopagan, feminist and SJW.
Avatar: Me, a bald, middle-aged white guy, with bi pride color stripes behind my head
Header: The San Francisco Bay Bridge at night, with the vertical cables lit up by the Bay Lights
@[email protected]❄️ NixOS 🤩 (Security, Infra, Python and Release-Manager 22.11/23.05)
Day: Network & Infrastructure.
Night: FOSS, Home Automation
@[email protected]🧑🏿 Millennial black cis guy
🖋️ #Writer and #novelist
💻 #Linux and #OpenSource geek (I use #Nix/#NixOS btw)
🎮 #ElderScrollsOnline
🧘 #Buddhist, hippie, #BurningMan )'(
🦁 #Furry
💑🏿 #Pansexual
💑🏾 https://spectrum.avris.it/5IMo
💕 https://cake.avris.it/pD4
Profile pic: a drawing of a mischievous lion with green eyes and a big golden mane, by @YemmieArts
Profile banner: two lions in trans colors facing opposite directions defiantly. Source: https://e926.net/posts/1550976
Anti. 🐘
@[email protected]★ Es gibt nix Gutes, ausser 😷 toot es
★ Boosted means boss move
★ Weckt mich wenn Revolution ist
★ Alpaca 🦙 Ozelot 🐆 Axolotl 🦎
★ Allen alles
★ Auf allen Spektren
"hard to like"
Community care for mental health, mutual aid for all.
Life is difficult in these times, feel free to ask me for help.
write: D/E/F/ read: Sp/It/Port
#Muskodus #Twexit #LongCovid #UrbanLoveWarrior #TootFinder #FamilyAbolitionist
Julien aka Luj.
PhD Student in Software Supply Chain Security.
NixOS enthusiast and contributor.
Other interests include functional programming languages, software security, formal verification.
Available for freelance projects.
May occasionally toot in french.
@[email protected]
Some lefti , NixOS
, Linux
, Chaos
I write (and sometimes rant) here about my DevOps experience at work, the hackspace and at home.
Don't be afraid of colorful flags 🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️🚩🏴
"If the rules are the problem, the rules must change!" ~ don't know
Niklas Korz
@[email protected]Cloud computing, web development, multimedia, languages and pen and paper. Sometimes computer graphics. Mainly Rust, Go and TypeScript.
I use Nix btw.
MSc Computer Science (2019-2022 @uniheidelberg).
Co-founder of @alugha.
Toots in German and English.
#MastoAdmin at @admin.
#fedi22 #rustlang #programming #linux #macos #tech #cats #nixos #rust #golang #typescript #devops #sysadmin #kubernetes searchable
Abhinav 🌏
@[email protected]Programming languages aficionado, occasional runner, quantified-self enthusiast, and fervent napper. Works as senior software engineer at Google.
If you want to follow me, please make sure your profile has some info that helps me learn about you.
#fedi22 #programminglanguages #software #running #Haskell #NixOS #photography #quantifiedself
@[email protected]Nulhomme
@[email protected]Thing i love :
- Birds of all kind they are all so cute
- furry art
- monsters, horror, eldritch entities
- music (electro, hip hop, jazz, funk, trip-hop, post rock, dark ambience, dance, etc...)
- cooking, especially making cakes and biscuits
- books
I work as a dotnet dev doing some dev ops too.
hatch year is 1995
Pfp is by @dancrescentwolf
Please have a bios or some post before following, if not you will be considered as a suspicious account and might be blocked.
Bruno Adelé
@[email protected]Velotafeur, mais geek avant tout, hacker, Devops, auteur & contributeur du libre. Python, Docker, NixOS/Archlinux addict #JeSuisUnDesDeux #velotaf #LiberezLaData
Montpellier · bruno.adele.im
Cass Alexandru
@[email protected]PhD student with Ralf Hinze in Category Theory for the design of Proven Correct, Total Algorithms
#categorytheory #agda #haskell #nix #emacs Recursion Schemes Generic Programming Language Acquisition New Masculinities #vegan #sustainable #skeptic Friend #meditation Yin #maker 🇪🇺an
Andrew Tropin
@[email protected]Hack on operating systems and programming languages. He/Him.
Improve tooling for Guile and GNU Guix.
Author of Guix Home, RDE, Arei/Ares Guile IDE.
74830A276C328EC2 at keyserver.ubuntu.com and keys.openpgp.org.
#plt #os #fp #lisp #scheme #clojure #guile #guix #nix #rde #emacs
@[email protected]
Languages: DE, EN
Works with Rust professionally and fulltime <3
You can also #hireme part-time as a #freelancer for #Rust or #NixOS things!