573 awesome PHP accounts on Mastodon.

php PHP
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Jason Lefkowitz
@[email protected]

Amid global hellscape, full of modern recreational flavor. Low Quality Sexiest. Fedizen since 2017. Founder, president and cruel intergalactic tyrant of Rogue Repairman Productions. Web developer for 25 years now (oh god). Writer that nobody reads; leader that nobody follows.

Last posted Less than a day ago
Posts 5,277
Followers ▼ 62
Following 1,256
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Scott Kingsley Clark — Senior Software Engineer at Pagely/GoDaddy, Lead Dev of the Pods Framework, 🌈, opinions = mine, DFW TX

Last posted Less than a day ago
Posts 1,480
Followers ▼ 41
Following 249
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Building the community to what we aspire it to be.

Last posted 4 days ago
Posts 11
Followers ▼ 23
Following 118
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Scott Arciszewski
@[email protected]

Residing at the intersection of PHP, security, cryptography, and open source software. He/him. Opinions are solely mine. RTs != endorsements, etc.

Last posted 2 days ago
Posts 140
Followers ▼ 20
Following 124
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Robb Knightmare
@[email protected]

Maker of web things, Lego builder, sometimes blogger, sporadic pizzaiolo, fortnightly podcaster. Cat dad and human dad. Small language model.

“A very nice voice” - @keenan

@hemisphericviews UK Ambassador

Building . Working with PHP/Javascript/Node or whatever solves the problem. Mostly

Available wherever you get your toots.


Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 8,281
Followers ▼ 17
Following 501
@[email protected]

opinionated lurker of the intarwebs.

Used to write code, still do. c/c++, java, php, js, c#, gdscript, gnawed on sql, sparql, unix/windows etc etc billions of years ago.

tech, graphics, anything STEM
anything anthropology, history, linguistics
anything blender, gimp (although i scream using it), audacity
prefers not to be run over by cars

I drink Philz.

I do a (non-monetized) video or so a week on yt.

Tyranny and poverty are everywhere a mainstream economics phenomenon.

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 6,250
Followers ▼ 13
Following 1,863
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Articles, projects and tutorials about .

Weekly newsletter: discu.eu/weekly/php

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 2,256
Followers ▼ 13
Following 22
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Gina Peter Banyard
@[email protected]

I'm a PHP core developer and documentation writer, funded by @thephpf
Lead maintainer, and master of typos, for the French translation of the PHP documentation.
BSc in pure mathematics
Photograph/Otaku in my spare time

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 5,721
Followers ▼ 12
Following 251

Ex-Mothertrucker wird zur .
Das hier ist @walsonde⁠s seriöslicher Account für alle IT-bezogenen Themen.

Work: Hat mal und angefasst. Lernt gerade . Gehört zur seltenen Gattung derjenigen, die nicht verabscheuen (besonders in Verbindung mit und ).
Interessiert sich für ßeibersecurity. Auf Ausbildungs- oder Jobsuche.



Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 3,389
Followers ▼ 10
Following 378
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PHP Community enfys phpc
@[email protected]

Building and enriching the PHP community.

Want to learn PHP? Check out:
- phptutorial.net
- phptherightway.com


Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 2,743
Followers ▼ 9
Following 104
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Lord Matt ✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️
@[email protected]

A geeky from Kent (). I lots. I develop with for the fun of it (and professionally). I also think I am funny - puns abound (you have been warned).

Please recommend interesting people for me to follow.

I love a nerdy chat and encountering new points of view.

I love all things . I'm into , , , , and... Ah, for the rest you must follow me.

My mailing list: hi.lordmatt.co.uk

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 8,098
Followers ▼ 9
Following 960
Philip Newborough
@[email protected]
Last posted 3 days ago
Posts 540
Followers ▼ 8
Following 298
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Shawn Hooper (he/him)
@[email protected]

Long time web developer. , mainly & . I'm an advocate for an accessible & open web. Also learning more about engineering management, security, and privacy.

I'm a conference speaker, teacher, co-organizer of WordCamp Canada. I'm the Director of Engineering and Security @ Actionable.co

I live in , Canada (Unceeded territory of the Anishinaabe Algonquin Nation)

Still sometimes do live event sound/lighting, retired Karaoke Host & Wedding DJ.

Last posted 3 days ago
Posts 5,805
Followers ▼ 8
Following 1,585
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Creator of WezTerm. 💓🦀
Ex-Meta (Creator of Watchman and EdenFS).
Ex-Message Systems.
PHP internals alum.
I'm offering Mentoring at wezfurlong.org/mentoring/ and writing a Systems Programming with Rust book: leanpub.com/sysprog

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 1,366
Followers ▼ 7
Following 397
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Your official news source for the Laravel PHP Framework. By @ericlbarnes and team

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 3,828
Followers ▼ 6
Following 9
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Derick Rethans
@[email protected]

Hi, I'm Derick.

I work on PHP as part of the PHP Foundation.
I am the author of @Xdebug.

I like , , , , and , and will post about these topics alongside .

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 5,998
Followers ▼ 6
Following 371
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Beau Simensen – phpc.social
@[email protected]
Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 795
Followers ▼ 5
Following 296
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Kevin Woblick
@[email protected]

I turn Pizza into Code and Photos.
Creator of Cloudhiker, LinkAce, Game-Quotes.com & much more.

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 754
Followers ▼ 5
Following 153
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Daniel Badura
@[email protected]

tryhard for building fast, reliable and stable software 

Freelancer Software Engineer & Consultant at patchlevel.de
Maintainer of github.com/patchlevel/event-so

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 35
Followers ▼ 5
Following 116
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Open-source web development tool for PHP and Node.js websites

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 331
Followers ▼ 5
Following 127