julia Julia
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writer. performer. biologist. author of Sexed Up: How Society Sexualizes Us & How We Can Fight Back, plus Whipping Girl, Excluded, & 99 Erics. current music project is *soft vowel sounds*. more at juliaserano.com. she/her

Last posted 3 days, 4 hours ago
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== INTRO ==
🙋 Hi there, I'm Juan
🧑‍💻 | I'm a software consultant / indiedev
🧠 | Autism 🤝 ADHD
🎯 | Hyperfixations include:
😺 | Cats
🛸 | SciFi
🕹️ | Retrogaming
🐧 | Opensource
🔣 | Functional Programming
🐦‍🔥 | Currently hacking on
🤕 | Recovering Javascript developer
♥️ | 🇵🇾 🇧🇷 🇵🇸 🇺🇦

Last posted 1 month ago
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Karandeep Singh
@[email protected]

Jacobs Chancellor’s Endowed Chair, UC San Diego. Chief Health AI Officer, UCSD Health.
. Views own.

Last posted 3 months, 1 week ago
Posts 892
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Jonathan Carroll
@[email protected]

primarily but learning , , , , , and many others

rstats julia rust python bash

Happy to also talk , , , , and lots more

Working remotely from Adelaide, South Australia

Last posted 1 day, 4 hours ago
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Adam H. Sparks rstats
@[email protected]

Professor studying/working with biometry, agricultural modelling and data analytics. Former geonerd, now just a nerd, co-founder of @openplantpathology and editor for @rOpenSci.


Pronouns: He/Him/His


Last posted 1 day, 4 hours ago
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weather & climate scientist, Julia enthusiast, excited about clouds and discovering science with machine learning - 🇩🇰🇬🇧 - leif.denby.eu, sciml-leeds.github.io - scientist at dmi.dk

Last posted 1 month ago
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is a , and and to everyone. JOIN US!

• High-quality and
• Reliable and easy and ,
with Interactive ( )
• Effortless from and support for
• Smooth Data and (multiple formats)
• Available for , , , and

Last posted 3 days, 4 hours ago
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Brendan Halpin
@[email protected]

Sociologist in Limerick

Mostly playing with unrealistic computer models of real world processes

Emacs, Stata, Shiny & Rstats, Julia, Python

Linux on the desktop since about 1997

tootfinder searchable

Last posted 1 day, 4 hours ago
Posts 8,039
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Deborah Edwards-Oñoro
@[email protected]

Nature-lover, birder, gardener, tennis fan.
Retired from web design & development.

Southeast Michigan, USA

Posts auto-delete after two months.

Header photo is a Julia butterfly, a large brilliant orange butterfly with wings outspread on the brim of my brown straw hat. In the shadows, you can see the back of my head. Photo taken at Desert Botanical Gardens in Phoenix, Arizona.

Last posted 1 day, 4 hours ago
Posts 1,888
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Edmund Miller
@[email protected]

PhD Candidate @ UT Dallas in the Functional Genomics Lab
nf-core maintainer
Office mate to @monimiller


Last posted 2 days, 4 hours ago
Posts 817
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Prof at developing fast algorithms, reliable software, and healthy communities for scientific computing (PhyPID.org) | dad/alpinist/skier/runner | he/him

Last posted 1 day, 4 hours ago
Posts 712
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Claudia Solis-Lemus
@[email protected]

Statistician, Asst Prof WID+PlantPath,
she/her 🇲🇽

Last posted 3 months, 2 weeks ago
Posts 455
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Biologist interested in statistics, data science, free software and security.

Last posted 2 months, 1 week ago
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PhD candidate (ABD) in Linguistics at the University of Pennsylvania doing research in psycholinguistics, language acquisition, and pragmatics. Sometimes writing R packages (ggtrace, jlmerclusterperm).

Mostly here for rstats , julia , and 📊 . Interested in statistical computing & graphics, metaprogramming, and data stuff. I'm also active on the @R4DSCommunity slack.

Last posted 2 days, 4 hours ago
Posts 846
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prefix.dev software engineer by 🏙️
GNOME developer by 🌃
I like languages.
Rust, Python and Julia with 💻,
German, English, Dutch and Chinese with 🧑.

Last posted 1 day, 4 hours ago
Posts 1,043
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Volker K. 🏳️‍🌈
@[email protected]

PhD student (he/him) in physics at the IST Austria
• Topological phases • Statistical physics • Dynamical systems • of Science • • Music • &

Last posted 1 week, 2 days ago
Posts 528
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student of warblers, wrens, sparrows, thrushes, goshawks, etc.; Professor at ; opinions my own; celebrating diversity; ; 🏳️‍🌈; he/him; fan of ; above is a Winter (not Pacific) Wren 🤪

Last posted 1 day, 4 hours ago
Posts 572
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He/him ♂️. Trophy spouse 🏆, ♾️. 🐈, 🧮️, politics 🗳, :julia:, 🎲🎮. 🏳️‍⚧️ firstnations

Last posted 1 day, 4 hours ago
Posts 2,865
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The S Kate M 💛💙
@[email protected]


Other interests include: food and travel

Non-technical person with a love for science + tech
Robertson Screwdriver Owner.

Math-challenged, but find the subject interesting

Canada’s capital city

Last posted Less than a day ago
Posts 4,222
Followers ▼ 307
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Chris Lombardi
@[email protected]

Header: Cover of book BLUE:SEASON, with art by Julia L. Kay and photo by Kyle Cassidy. Profile pic: midaged lady with cat. Journalist, novelist, aspiring anti-racist. 40+ years from MS. Bronx-born Philadelphian. .Author of BLUE: SEASON (Mumblers Press) and I AIN'T MARCHING ANYMORE (The New Press). On Twitter at @CrisAintMarchin, for now. DSA Democrat, help edit DSA mag Democratic Left Online.Also @counter.social, and [email protected]. , married to .@LinuxAndYarn

Last posted 1 week, 5 days ago
Posts 2,616
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David W. Body
@[email protected]

Independent software developer, machine learning practitioner, and electronics student/tinkerer.

Interests include , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Polk City, Iowa.



Last posted 1 day, 4 hours ago
Posts 407
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Juliana Rotich
@[email protected]

Used to be @afromusing @julianarotich on bird site
interested in the business of Fintech. Compass: build, Fix, Help others. Tech entrepreneur, board member, constructive value for society

Last posted 4 days, 4 hours ago
Posts 392
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Michael DeWitt
@[email protected]

Infectious disease researcher and applied statistician. Doing Bayesian stuff with , , and . (He/him)

Last posted 1 week ago
Posts 379
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Full-time dad and technical writer, after-hours graph theorist. ✍🏼 julia_lang python_logo startrek paws

Last posted 1 week, 3 days ago
Posts 218
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Aleksandar Tomasevic
@[email protected]

Computational social scientist. Assistant Professor @ University of Novi Sad, Department of Sociology.

geek and inclined to geek out about

Last posted 3 months, 1 week ago
Posts 59
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Enrico Caprioglio
@[email protected]

PhD student at Uni of Sussex, trying to control metastability, whatever that means.

Last posted 1 month, 3 weeks ago
Posts 18
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Kevin Bonham 🚽🦠👨🏼‍🔬
@[email protected]

Researcher studying microbial communities. Microbiome 🦠 development is child 👶 development.

Also interested in ⬆️ diversity in computational biology.

Ask me about


Last posted 3 days, 4 hours ago
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We help you make better optimization models in either Excel (using Solver and OpenSolver) or Python (using Pyomo, OR Tools, Pulp, etc).
Learning Julia JuMP to be like the cool kids.

Last posted 5 days, 4 hours ago
Posts 191
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Rutger van Sleen
@[email protected]

(Sterren)vader van Julia, Lotte* & Oscar. Echte : / / , muziekfan, IRC-gek. Kankerpatiënt met verstreken houdbaarheidsdatum. Vraag me gerust over deze dingen.

Last posted 2 days, 4 hours ago
Posts 1,017
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Pietro Monticone qed
@[email protected]

• Studying at the University of Trento (UniTn).

• Mathematical, statistical and computational modelling of at the Interdisciplinary Physics Team (InPhyT).

• Developing free open source software in at JuliaCommunity, InPhyT, UniTo-SEPI, JuliaEpi, JuliaHealth, JuliaGraphs and JuliaDynamics.

• Learning about interactive and automated theorem provers to formalise, digitise and verify mathematical statements.

Last posted 3 months, 3 weeks ago
Posts 7
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Artem Pelenitsyn
@[email protected]

Postdoc at Purdue. PhD in CS. Programming languages and compilers. Julia, Haskell.

Last posted 2 weeks, 2 days ago
Posts 143
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Stumbling forward in live. I'm a data scientist & a business analyst 📊🔦💡, in , . Born @340ppm. Loving nature and birds.
My side quests? Trailrunning 🏃🏻‍♂️ , climbing 🧗‍♀️, healthconscious lifestyle, guiding my little knights through the mystic land of Kanji and the thrilling duels of fencing 🤺.
Tags: !

Last posted 5 days, 4 hours ago
Posts 692
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Researcher at CTU, CIIRC; Embedded and real-time systems; Linux tux; FOSS, , , emacs,

Last posted 1 day, 4 hours ago
Posts 183
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Statistics, Machine Learning

Last posted 4 weeks ago
Posts 242
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Renaud 🐾 λ ⏚
@[email protected]
Last posted 1 day, 4 hours ago
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Scholar @ CSHL

Maintaining () to procrastinate

Previously EE PhD at UW-Madison, Comp. Eng. / math at Rose-Hulman

Last posted 3 days, 4 hours ago
Posts 302
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Our scientific software projects are changing the world. We support tools like pandas, & + organize @PyData!

Last posted 3 weeks, 4 days ago
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PyData Granada
@[email protected]

Somos una comunidad donde compartir buenas prácticas, nuevos enfoques y tecnologías para la gestión, el procesamiento, el análisis y la visualización de datos. Las comunidades de PyData abordan la ciencia de datos utilizando muchos lenguajes, incluyendo (pero no limitado a) Python, Julia y R. ¡Únete a nuestras reuniones!

Last posted 2 months ago
Posts 62
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distributed computing for HEP
thinks teaching is important
does stuff behind the scenes for roller derby
sometimes writes pretentious essays about RPGs, SF or video games
always picked trichords in SimEarth

fan of julia_lang rust vim commodore DS9 mint_linux_logo
mostly 🅭🅯🄎

Last posted 1 day, 4 hours ago
Posts 834
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Communist, engineer, interested in scientific machine learning, julia and rust stan,
pronoun.is/he/him/his ||☭||⚧️||💗💛💙||+=+||

Last posted 1 month, 3 weeks ago
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ZC MAG ✂️📝🖨❤️‍🔥
@[email protected]

Zine Crisis Mutual Assistance Group: zinesters helping zinesters! Run by @eveharmsposts
w/ help from members of Zine Crisis Discord founded by Julia Gfrörer

Last posted 5 days, 4 hours ago
Posts 27
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Bienen faszinieren mich immer mehr, seitdem ich imkere. Ich verwende das Beutenmaß Warré und imkere im Mobilbau.
Ich habe ein Katzengeschwisterpärchen Jan und Julia.
Außerdem fotografiere ich gerne und bin fast ausschließlich mit dem Fahrrad unterwegs.
Ich nutze gern LibreOffice, gimp, inkscape, xnview am Computer.

Last posted 3 months ago
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Retired public agency attorney, cyclist, bad skier, photographer, hobbyist coder (mostly Julia), francophile, introvert, political moderate. Fan of the Hawkeyes, REM, and Son Volt, science and history. Live in the Berkeley Hills with Suzie (wife) and Sparky (dog).

Last posted 3 months, 3 weeks ago
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Expert at dissecting functions with wiggles ( ). Stans , begrudging respect for . Currently building epidemic data tooling with Delphi (delphi.cmu.edu/). Looking to do good well via and other means. Still trying to figure all this out.

Last posted 1 week ago
Posts 142
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I’m an , , and . I do but am interested in . I smile for , , , ending , , , , and .

Last posted 2 weeks, 4 days ago
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PhD student in applied mathematics. Into making music, programming and recently electronics. Julia fanboy.

Last posted 3 months, 1 week ago
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Fernando Miguel Hahne
@[email protected]

Theoretical physicist in Brazil.

Interested in field theory, solitons, cosmology, and computational physics with Julia.

Last posted 1 month, 3 weeks ago
Posts 7
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@[email protected]

Journalist and author of Julia Child's memoir, MY LIFE IN FRANCE, and most recently DINNER WITH THE PRESIDENT. president

Last posted 4 days, 4 hours ago
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I’m an , , , in band, Internet Islands. I do but am interested in . I smile for , , , ending , , , , and .

Last posted 1 month, 2 weeks ago
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🦎 Head of @gencekonomistler
⏳Siegen University


Last posted 4 months, 2 weeks ago
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