586 awesome Ruby accounts on Mastodon.
Aaron Patterson ✅
@tenderlove@mastodon.socialRails Core / Ruby Core.
PGP: 4CE9 1B75 A798 28E8 6B1A A8BB 9531 70BC B4FF AFC6
Switch: SW-6099-0664-6989
James Adam
@james@ruby.socialLoving Ruby since 2001.
I’m the admin for this instance - if you have any questions or problems, let me know!
Mike Perham
@getajobmike@ruby.socialRubyist, guy behind @sidekiq and Faktory.
For support, please open a new discussion at https://github.com/sidekiq/sidekiq/discussions.
Personal: @getalifemike
she hacked you
@ekis@mastodon.socialshipwrk'd & coma-tose
drink'n fresh granat-apfel muttersaft
security researcher, open-source hardware+software engineer, ⚧dimensional slider, paradoxically lucid, bruja cibernética, exile, formally–trained geneticist, netzwerk hexe, bi-polar 2 witch-apologist, amateur mycologist, glitch wit☽h, katzenamt Bürokrat, day–dreamer, night-timer party–crasher
+poorly conceived original #music
+stupid posts in english, español y deutsche
Ruby Weekly
@ruby_discussions@mastodon.socialArticles, projects and tutorials about #Ruby.
Weekly newsletter: https://discu.eu/weekly/ruby
Coraline Ada Ehmke
@coralineada@ruby.socialTech ethicist, engineer emeritus, author, speaker, and open source activist. I make music and I make trouble. Creator of Contributor Covenant & the Hippocratic License, and founder of the Organization for Ethical Source.
She/her. Pronounced 🪸—
Yukihiro Matz Matsumoto
@matz@ruby.socialThe Creator of Ruby
Ryan Bates
@rbates@ruby.socialCreator of RailsCasts, Ruby on Rails Screencasts
Rob Carlson
@vees@epistolary.orgCoder, pest of local gov'ts, mason & tech nerd. PA/USA.
Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, USA. (he/him)
Work: Software Developer, System Architect.
Hobbies: #HamRadio Operator, #Freemasonry (PM #93 AF&AM ), #Flashlights, #Scouts, #PTA, #RaspberryPi, #arduino.
Interested in: #React, #RubyOnRails, #Python, #DevOps, #ProjectManagement, #SocialJustice, #Equity, #LocalGovernment, #LocalSchools.
James Smith 💾
@floppy@mastodon.me.ukGeneric humanoid carbon unit. ❤️ tech, democracy, environment, society.
Currently building @manyfold and site admin @ https://mastodon.me.uk
Previously: https://dxw.com, https://somethingnew.org.uk, https://openpolitics.org.uk, https://apolitical.co, https://theodi.org, https://www.amee.com and more.
Alignment: Chaotic Whimsy.
Robert J. Berger
@rberger@hachyderm.ioI've seen things you people wouldn't believe... PC Revolutions, C compilers clacking huge Floppy Disks , Lisp Machine Nirvana, Unix Wars, building an early ISP, Metro Wireless, #Startups that went down, Hardware Image Processing, Objective C training from Brad Cox, first C++ Conference, unreadable Perl, lots of Python, Ruby, #Clojure and now back to #Python, #DevOps, #AWSCommunityBuilder, #Serverless, #Sourdough Software System and Cloud Architectures. Not time to die!
#AntiFascist tootfinder
Dave Copeland
@davetron5000@ruby.socialAuthor of Sustainable Web Development with Ruby on Rails, The Senior Software Engineer and more. CTO @ Mood Health. Former Stitch Fix, LivingSocial. Posts about Ruby, Tech, Maybe Cats
Collin Donnell
@collin@ruby.socialI coined the term “Mac Assed Mac App.”
A software developer from Portland Oregon. I’ve been writing iOS and Mac apps since 2008 and Ruby since 2021.
📱 #Swift (iOS and Mac).
🚂 #Ruby (and Rails)
Cohost of the #RooftopRuby podcast. Friend of DeSoto.
Peter Solnica
@solnic@hachyderm.io🛠️ Working on https://justcrosspost.app (sign up for beta!)
👨💻 Elixir/Ruby SDK dev at Sentry ❤️ Hanami/dry-rb/rom-rb Core Team 💜 Creator of Elixir Drops 💦 #BuildInPublic #ElixirLang #Ruby #OpenSource
Joel Drapper
@joeldrapper@ruby.socialFull-stack #Ruby / #Rails / #TypeScript / #CSS engineer, CEO of #HTMX, formerly at Clearscope and Shopify — author and maintainer of the gems #Phlex, Morphlex, Literal, Quickdraw — cohost the @rooftop podcast.
Florian Gilcher
@skade@hachyderm.ioFunctional safety with @rustlang
MD @ferroussystems
Kyūdō (Nidan). Diver. Runs events. Ex-@rustlang project member. Founding member @rust_foundation. ❤️Ruby.
@postmodern@ruby.socialMaintainer of chruby, ruby-install, bundler-audit, digest-crc, spidr, ronin, and more on GitHub!
@ruby0x1@mastodon.gamedev.placenarrative designer / tech witch / game designer / writer / art / audio • co-founder Studio Any Percent • creator of luxe game engine • Making Mossfield Origins • mov ax,13h • she/her 💾🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️
Mike Perham
@getalifemike@urbanists.socialMike Dalessio
@flavorjones@ruby.socialMostly posts about gummi bears, space probes, and Ruby.
OSS contributor, maintaining Nokogiri, SQLite3, Rails::Html::Sanitizer, Mechanize, and more in the Ruby ecosystem.
Working at 37signals. Former Shopify, VMware, Pivotal, Bloomberg, various startups.