Frameworks, Libraries, and others

My favorite British tabloid trope is compo face. Photos of people looking unhappy about something and wanting compensation—hence, compo—of some sort.

Like, they actually pose with the offending product or in front of the restaurant or whatever and affect a sad expression. It’s absolutely hilarious.

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It’s always been tacky. But in recent decades it’s also insanely stupid unless you like the idea of launching your knees into your face if the airbag deploys in an accident.

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Ran into a fun pal at the dentist. Whose not-so-fun fact is that she was once dragged into a British tabloid news cycle because of her relationship with the actual subject of a scandal. Getting doorstepped by the Daily Mail, the Sun, etc.

0/10, does not recommend, try to avoid this if you can.

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We all have our own sensibilities, and that’s how it should be.

In 15 years of Twitter and here, I’ve rarely actively unfollowed anyone. The sites have much more frequently—and annoyingly—unfollowed of their own volition.

Mostly it’s been to cull people who don’t follow me when I don’t particularly need their thoughts. With mutuals, I’m much more likely to mute for a while if I need a break from a topic. And I don’t necessarily unfollow a mutual who unfollows me. Why, if I like their stuff?

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@jerry Nothing says love like a finessed display of the precision and power of a collection of terrifying machines of war.

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Would be interested in hearing about your unfollowing criteria or method.

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@BeazLouise This looks like an angry Gru from despicable me.

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