Frameworks, Libraries, and others

If your employer gives this laptop you don’t have to worry about layoffs …

110 18 15

Need to see your routing table on or or ? Type:
netstat -rn

The entry with the "G" flag is your gateway. users may want to use the ip command (look for "default" entry which is your gateway):
ip route show

See ip command guide cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-ip-com for more info.

60 15 3

Amarok 3.0 "Castaway" released! The new 3.0 is the first stable Qt5/KDE Frameworks 5 based version of Amarok, and first stable release since 2018, when the final Qt4 based version 2.9.0 was released blogs.kde.org/2024/04/29/amaro

53 11 4

One day my code works, the next the world is on fire. This is not what I signed up for!

47 6 8

*sitting in front of the computer in the office*

me: I am so tired. I want to go home and sleep 😭

Coworker: Bro, it is 10 am only

Bossman: Did you finish the central alignment of buttons, as I asked yesterday?


Bossman: so you absolutely did nothing …

me: 😡

34 8 4

Decades ago I floated between Things, OmniFocus, and Org mode. Neither commercial app (both very good!) could ever work EXACTLY how I wanted—which is crucial for PKM/GTD....


It was worth it.

Thank goodness I was far enough along in career and life to see the long view.

If you're in a career where building your own tools matters at all, here is the secret: INVEST IN CUMULATIVE INCREMENTAL GAINS OVER THE LONG TERM

@nickanderson @dhry @masi @Mollarom

21 8 2

Har i dag læst Inger Christensens "Alfabet" med mine studerende og kan med fornøjelse berette, at ungdommen aldeles ikke er i forfald. Jeg ved så meget mere om digtet ved deres hjælp, end jeg vidste, da jeg ankom.

11 3 1