Frameworks, Libraries, and others

I haven't been hiking this week so you get a from the archives.

20 3 4

Thanks for 200 followers on here! πŸ’–πŸ¦€

Since I'm only posting game updates atm, is there something else you'd wanna see more of? thinkhappy

e.g. 2d animations, rusty code snippets, etc.

10 1 2

"YouTube's copyright system isn't broken. The world's is."
- Tom Scott, 2020

10 5 1

Did you ever put stickers on your memory cards? I'll never forget the "official" ones from PSM magazine

9 2 1

πŸ… added a quick dash
πŸ† ..which also mind any tile collisions

9 3 2

@squillace A key achievement of this spec is that a Wasm component in an OCI registry is conceptually still a component, rather than a wrapper that modifies the semantics of a component.

Among other things, this means that artifacts in OCI registries can continue to participate in component composition.

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I noticed that I almost never use `const` in Rust even though it would make sense in more cases, but the ultimate reason I don't is that it requires you to specify the type and I don't wanna.

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