Frameworks, Libraries, and others
Sensitive content : #UKPol

Oh ey. LD overtake CON. Seismic.
Happy Fuckthetories Day!

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Controversial Opinion

Juicers are stupid.

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I released a new version of my module for persistent message queues based on today. I added a basic job runner, since that’s one of the things I most use a queue for. Check it out at goqite.com

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@pathfinder @actuallyautistic In my case, I am gradually going deaf. But I have an excellent auditory memory. I'm a musician, actually. By listening to the first notes of the introduction I can recognize almost any piece of music I have ever heard in my life. I remember instrument solos note by note and repeat them and scat. It also happens to me that I don't remember faces, even though I met them a few days ago, but I remember the voices of the people very well. But if the sound is distant I don't distinguish thunder from an airplane, or a cat from a baby. Auditory is my main sensory hypersensitivity, the others They are smell and touch, of which I have strong memories and precision.

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I'm at sub-100 errors now!!!! 85 to be exact. 🥹🎉 I still have `disallow_untyped_defs = False` but so so so close to the first checkpoint

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Sensitive content : #UKPol

Bedtime now in this timezone. CON have been given a hard kicking. I hope it's even harder by the time I wake up.
Sad to see the rise of Reform. I don't think they offer anything remotely legitimate beyond being the protest Tory vote. I'd hate to see them smearing themselves into the cogs of power, gumming things up with their tantrums, but they seem to be snatching a not insignificant %.

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Software engineer tip a gazillion and three! Have a really good day, dance, and feel grateful for all the things.


Happy Thursday everyone! Don't forget to dance. 🥰

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Spider-Man spotted in the park yesterday.
I don't think he was an entertainer, just a guy who wanted to wear the costume.

I'm not shaming that. I figure that's how he felt comfortable or needed to be while in public.
But I will draw your attention to:
1) Dedication to art- He's got the proper boots and everything.
2) Resilience- This is 90F/32C in the mid-day, *burning* Arizona sunshine. He kept his mask on for the half an hour I saw him wandering around.

Keep on dancing to your beat, my dude!

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