Frameworks, Libraries, and others

the idea that sexual orientation is "fixed" from a young age but that gender identity isn't is pure wishcasting. I discuss this in my "Trans People and Biological Sex: What the Science Says" video at the 26 minute mark (watch thru 48 min for full context): youtube.com/watch?v=ZymYiwoRoC

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0.8.0 released 🚀


This release provides object safety for Communicator, adds attribute handling (thanks to those who commented hachyderm.io/@jedbrown/1114015), and makes ready-mode send unsafe (since it's very hard to use correctly and the MPI implementation can't dynamically enforce race-free ordering). As always, thanks to all who have contributed in any way.

And the docs now have scraped examples.

4 4 0

@Lluis_Revilla Thanks for the {ggtrace} mention!

@danwwilson Please feel free to ping me with any questions about {ggtrace} usage - I'm always happy to talk about it, or ggplot internals more generally. We also have a "support group" of a sort on Github for ggplot extension devs - you can join us in the discussions if you feel like sharing at any point!

3 0 3

Knowledge shared is knowledge squared.

3 3 0

Here comes the rain. Not stopping the House Finch, American Robin, or Blue Jay from singing/calling.

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When someone so eminent is saying something so stark, you know Britain is in deep trouble.

"Professor Sir Michael Marmot, IHE director, said: "Put simply, Britain is a poor, sick country, getting sicker, with a few rich and healthy people; the results of a dismal failure of central government policies since 2010."


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@katiefenn as others have said, it's possible to get T online, which is probably what they're twisting into a drug dealer angle. It would be more interesting to have more depth on the reason the 'daughter' detransitioned though, assuming there is any kind of kernel of truth to the anonymous source. (We're hearing from a parent here, not the 'daughter', so...)

1 0 1

I love Ben Jann's graphics add-ons.

But I could never figure out how to change the label on top of the colour bar/legend.

label(subtitle("It goes here"))

sysuse auto, clear

pwcorr price mpg trunk weight length turn foreign, sig
matrix C = r(C)
matrix sig = r(sig)
heatplot C, values(label(sig) format(%9.3f)) color(hcl diverging, intensity(.6)) legend(off) aspectratio(1) legend(subtitle("Correlations"))

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First swallow seen this year, yesterday 2 May.

Maybe they don't go out in the rain, or maybe I'm not looking out the window so much but it's quite late, often see the first before mid-April.


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