Frameworks, Libraries, and others

@atrupar wrote: "What’s most striking in the interview is that Trump, even after four years as president, has virtually no grasp on any policy issue beyond empty talking points, most of which are lies. When asked how he will implement his plans, he waffles, obfuscates, & delivers a stream of non sequitur boasts about how great he is or about how other people have said that he’s great. He lies all the time, but many of his statements on core policy issues are so garbled & gassy they don’t even qualify as lies. It’s like interacting with a chatbot programmed by a fascist parrot." publicnotice.co/p/trump-time-m

65 81 9

I'm a bit frustrated with Android at the moment, I've spent hours tonight trying to upgrade the Pixelfed app to the latest RN version (and the tons of deps we use)

I'm nearly there, I can feel it... 😅

22 3 4

The web dev equivalent of seeing the ex who dumped you looking terrible in public is when your former employer launches a new 15MB slow-motion train wreck of a homepage.

18 0 0

Of all the awful takes in development, none grinds my gears more than "silly JavaScript devs JavaScripted too much and now everything's a mess but they got themselves into it haha."

Right, sure, everything was great before, and we just made it complicated because we were silly, bored little dummies who didn't know any better. Our jobs were so easy! Everything is actually so simple!

Fuck off with that reductive bullshit.

16 7 3

Ruh roh, the hashtag police are out, hide yo hashtags!!

While Pixelfed has a max hashtag limit of 60 per post, a majority of posts contain less than half that

I checked the reported account and the hashtags they use are related, and the account has thousands of (legit) followers so who am I to play hashtag god??

If you get offended by the # or context of hashtags, maybe they aren't the problem 😬

15 2 1

Note to self: You haven't listened to OK Computer in a long time and you should do that.

14 1 3

After just under a week of owning and riding a Decathlon B'TWIN R500E longtail cargo e-bike:

It's awesome. It's big, and heavy, and basically unrideable without battery assistance, but great fun. And very practical. The kids love riding together on the back. If I see it as a car substitute rather than a bike, I feel much less like it's cheating.

The frame could indeed do with having a lower crossbar. It is sometimes challenging me to get my leg over (fnarr), but maybe I'll gain flexibility 💪

12 1 1

Did you ever put stickers on your memory cards? I'll never forget the "official" ones from PSM magazine

9 2 1