Frameworks, Libraries, and others

I've been thinking about restarting work on . Development stopped because I hit a wall with the database system. Writing Tapir in was a long sequence of yak-shaving without much payoff; most of my dev time was spent implementing JSON-LD, Web Signatures, and a database layer that *should* have been a library if Deno had better Node compatibility at the time.

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Zionism: a movement for (originally) the re-establishment and (now) the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel. It was established as a political organization in 1897 under Theodor Herzl, and was later led by Chaim Weizmann.

If you claim zionisn should be abolished you imply that Israel should not exist and that implies your are fine with the displacement of millions of jews from Israel (something called ethnic cleansing).

Well, pretty - ain't it?

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never compromise on quality. you can sacrifice scale safely by charging more for better products. people will happily pay more for better

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damn it feels good to bamo (block and move on)

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procreate is a good app with a bad name

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don’t believe their lies (that blocking trolls is weak and fragile behavior)

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@mspro @DzoniMango @astefanowitsch @hllizi @tehabe Zionism heißt es soll Israel geben. Kritik an Zionism impliziert es soll kein Israel mehr geben.

Klar kannst du versuchen das als nicht antisemitisch zu deklarieren aber die Logik geht dabei über Bord.

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@lies_das @ndaktuell streiche streit und ersetze es mit krieg und erkläre mir wie du dich gegen jemanden wehrst der Raketen aus Kindergärten, Schulen und Krankenhäusern abfeuert ohne dabei Zivilisten zu treffen. Oder gerne Kindern Gewehre in die Hand drückt und die dann als ermordete Kinder bejammert.

Versteh mich nicht falsch. Die Bombardierung ist maßlos.

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@BenRossTransit @serge it’s interesting. Pro war and pro destruction of Israel and demonizing Israel are all text book examples of antisemitism and to claim that those asking for it are not antisemitic ist totally off.

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