Frameworks, Libraries, and others

Ich merke gerade wieder hart, dass ich eigentlich gar keine Lust habe, mich um ein Auto zu kümmern. Aber der öpnv ist halt einfach ungenügend.

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@grtcdr I did not try to lure people into ActivityPub-based networks, but for XMPP, explaining that it works basically as email, and sometimes mentioning that email works basically as "real life" post offices. Still unsure whether it ever worked well, but I think it should.

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@Chronotope just the fact, that google gives it the thumbs up before I have even heard about it, tells me it’s good for google, not for us

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Wow, Stack Overflow sucumbió al poder del dinero y ya se vendió a OpenAI. Eliminaria mi contenido de ahí si no fuera que nunca pude echar a andar mi cuenta por su onboarding insufrible.

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@aadmaa You are probably looking for something like rapidity en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rapidity
It's totally withing SR, and doesn't require non-Euclidian space.
Also it doesn't affect equations for length contractions etc much since they has nothing to do with speed of light.
Acceleration becomes easier to deal with using rapidity though. E.g. constant acceleration becomes pretty much trivial.

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Sensitive content : video games

Started playing Taiji this weekend. I think this may actually be the first time I tried to use Steam with Proton, and it just worked without any pain whatsoever (on NixOS), so that was a good experience.

So far, it's great. It's certainly the most Witness-like game I've ever played except for the Witness itself, but that's not a bad thing. It feels immediately familiar, yet still is its own game.

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