Frameworks, Libraries, and others

Another week down, and the counter has been reset to 0!

Clocked in 83 km's, and even had two shorter race-efforts in there. Ended the week with a 31k long run, breaking in the new Olympus 5's, so they will be ready for race-day!

1 last week of long runs before a 2-week taper!

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I tell myself I'll remember things later because I just love lying to myself, I guess.

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@JustineSmithies even though I've been using helix for a few months, one of my complains for the longest time was the lack of a file tree. But I found this resource the other day which uses zellij to achieve a proper file picker experience.


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That's awesome @nhoizey! See you at the 11ty Conference? 🎉


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Maybe the guillotine builders are having supply chain issues?

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It's been 0 days since I accidentally took a screenshot of my phone's home screen... Again

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@natera That's why I love Svelte: all the business code lies in the business, being normal JS or TS, and Svelte templates are what they're called: templates
(well, actually, they're called components, but just like with Vue3, there's a clear separation between the JS/TS code, the HTML template, and the CSS code, and it's amazing)

Another advantage of Svelte is that there is not a big amount of "custom HTML components". Either a ":" and it's visibly svelte-specific, all the rest is pure HTML.

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@Julie_ Sofiane Pamart, découvert l'an dernier, c'est très cool : youtu.be/2OHFgjuy3DI

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