Frameworks, Libraries, and others

Everyone should immediately stop contributing to the stack overflow and its network. The human touch is what made it unique. Delete your profile from SO AND all your answers. Freeloaders are making money out of human contributions.

865 1161 124

OpenAI, Mircosoft, and Google together kill the open web. Thousands of independent blogs and forums are now nowhere in search engines or pushed back to page two to support their AI and partnerships with Reddit, StackOverflow, and more. Many humans contributed to these sites hoping to build a knowledge base for humanity, but now greedy people like Sama and OpenAI are taking over everything.

263 147 10

Bluesky says goodbye to Mr. Jack (co-founder and former CEO of Twitter). He is back to bird site. He has been posting there for the past few days. Then unfollowed everyone except three accounts (Musk, Snowden, and Assange's wife). 😂

161 154 31

Google self driving car with Chrome rims. 😂 Google thinks it is funny that 4 tires (aka tabs) are enough.

36 6 7

This page provides instructions on installing and enabling Bash auto-completion on versions 10, 11, and 12 to increase productivity by writing custom bash code cyberciti.biz/faq/installing-a

21 5 0

TIL: Google Slides does not support animated gifs.

But you tell me again about AI.

7 0 5

Have you ever copied a piece from a book or movie as an homage?

Copied outright? No. But I've definitely included nods to work that has had considerable impact on me, sort of like easter eggs.

5 0 0