Frameworks, Libraries, and others

Everyone should immediately stop contributing to the stack overflow and its network. The human touch is what made it unique. Delete your profile from SO AND all your answers. Freeloaders are making money out of human contributions.

865 1161 124

OpenAI, Mircosoft, and Google together kill the open web. Thousands of independent blogs and forums are now nowhere in search engines or pushed back to page two to support their AI and partnerships with Reddit, StackOverflow, and more. Many humans contributed to these sites hoping to build a knowledge base for humanity, but now greedy people like Sama and OpenAI are taking over everything.

263 147 10

We've noticed that a lot of you had some questions about this announcement, so we've collected the most important ones in a new FAQ section on the page above 👆

162 99 3

Bluesky says goodbye to Mr. Jack (co-founder and former CEO of Twitter). He is back to bird site. He has been posting there for the past few days. Then unfollowed everyone except three accounts (Musk, Snowden, and Assange's wife). 😂

161 154 31

Proton Pass Monitor is now available!

✨ Discover weak and reused passwords
✨ Find accounts with inactive 2FA
✨ Get breach notifications for emails, aliases, and passwords.

It may take a little time for Proton Pass Monitor to become available on all platforms, thanks for your patience!

Learn more: proton.me/blog/proton-pass-mon

123 71 7
Sensitive content : MNT Pocket Reform spoiler (packaging)

we packaged the very first MNT Pocket Reform today.

108 32 17

Here's another feature that you might not know about: text redaction! This protects sensitive information and helps users and organisations to comply with regulations on confidentiality or help.libreoffice.org/latest/en

96 57 3

Check out this short animation project that Rik and Beau recently cooked up at Blender Studio! Read up on how the artists put everything together, from sketching the 2D animation from scratch to designing the 3D set, on studio.blender.org/

73 30 3

Framework Laptop EC Driver Being Prepared For Linux

The modular/upgradeable Framework Laptops employ an open-source embedded controller (EC) firmware derived from Google's Chrome OS EC project. This is great for open-source fans and allows re-using much of the same Chrome OS EC software support that already exists. But there is also vendor-specific commands supported by the Framework Laptop EC and thus a dedicated Linux kernel driver is …

67 25 1

🟢🧅 Exciting opportunity to contribute to Tor network health! We're looking for a Network Health Engineer (1-2 yrs exp.) to join our mission of advancing human rights & freedoms through tech. Collaborate with cross-functional teams & meet IRL once or twice a year. 👨‍💻👩‍💻ℹ️ torproject.org/about/jobs/netw

61 110 1