Frameworks, Libraries, and others

Dunno if some dipshit will call me posting this FUD again, a mere week after the last time I said it. But once again: if you build your business on top of anything offered by Google in virtually any way, you are in "fool me seventeen times" territory here. No company has indicated its disdain for the developer ecosystem to the degree Google systematically does.

Everything that doesn't pull the revenue of Ads is eventually killed, and nothing pulls the revenue of Ads.


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Once the people who built Google Fit successfully used its launch in their promo packets to get their promotions, it was immediately on the path to demise. Everything is legacy as soon as its written.

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Today, as every day: "Fuck all the sure and certain people prepared to maim and kill whoever got in their way; fuck every cause that ended in murder and a child screaming." - Iain M Banks

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This is a neat feature toggle. It allows you to turn on and off features from the IDE.

Update: The checkboxes are also available in your cargo.toml so you can add them and toggle them there.

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TIL: Google Slides does not support animated gifs.

But you tell me again about AI.

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Know what's worse than realizing that you live in a simulation?

Breaking out of it, and finding yourself in the beautiful, dusty and long-abandoned cloisters that house that simulation.

Something amazing was here.


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@shaythompson yes so sounds like basically nothing is going to work to synchronize your Fitness data anymore. So many apps and services and connected devices used Google fit as an intermediary API to sync between each other and all of that's going to break now. Like my scale and my calorie tracking app are completely different services but one knows about the other because they both sync to Google Fit. I guess that's just done for now

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@eliyahhavemann das selbe gibt’s doch auch bei Rassismus oder Sexismus.

… was ich spannend finde. Linke sagen gerne alle weiße seien Rassisten weil die Gesellschaft sie dazu mache.

Warum westlich geprägte Menschen nach 2000 Jahren christlichen Antisemitismus dann nicht auch automatisch Antisemiten sind erklärt sich mir nicht.

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No, *you're* using the 100-hour Nyan Cat video as a soak test for some A/V hardware.

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