Frameworks, Libraries, and others

@eliyahhavemann das selbe gibt’s doch auch bei Rassismus oder Sexismus.

… was ich spannend finde. Linke sagen gerne alle weiße seien Rassisten weil die Gesellschaft sie dazu mache.

Warum westlich geprägte Menschen nach 2000 Jahren christlichen Antisemitismus dann nicht auch automatisch Antisemiten sind erklärt sich mir nicht.

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the great news is we can stop referring to bluesky as the other jack dorsey app

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can’t tell if four tet is spiritually awakening EDM bros or if they’re pulling him down into the muck or both or neither

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@mrcompletely @godzero @danblondell i can be a bit of an album extremist. for instance, i maintain a playlist system in 3 phases: 1. inbox, 2. priority queue, 3. heavy rotation, which all consist of entire albums. inbox is an unsorted mess that i’ll probably never get to. priority queue is stuff i intend to listen to very soon, but is also a mess except near the very top. it has almost 30k songs on it 😅 (1/3)

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i also have a system of shufflelists, which are purpose-built and contain mostly full albums, but i’m free to delete annoying/interlude/outside-of-purpose/etc tracks. these are the playlists: allez (high energy, for biking, on my specialized allez); cool out, man (downtempo/ambient, for chilling the heck out); focus locus (instrumentals of almost any genre, for reading and/or working); subliminal spaceflight (strictly ambient, for winding down for sleep) (3/3)

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heavy rotation is what i’m listening to this month. it’s limited to 1000 songs, and each time i finish an album on the top, i either rotate it to the bottom (in which case it’ll come around again next month), or take it off if i’m tired of it/have heard it at least 7 times. if i remove an album and it goes below 1000, i pluck the next one off the top of priority queue. (2/3)

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@eliyahhavemann das ist mittlerweile ja die Norm. Querdenker denken ja auch nicht.

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@zynaesthesie @DaftWully ich finde Merkel nicht toll aber einen vergleich mit Merz hat sie nicht verdient.

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@xinicit have you tried billionaire’s son? And if this doesn’t work millionaire’s son?


(if you find out how please tell me)

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@zynaesthesie @DaftWully ich halte Merkel für eine Machtmenschin ;), die über Leichen geht (ging) um an der Macht zu bleiben. Aber ein minimalen moralischen Kompass hatte sie doch. Den kann ich Merz noch nicht mal in der Andeutung erkennen.

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