Frameworks, Libraries, and others

changelog ✨ catjam

👾 Custom emoji search — Pointer & keyboard-accessible tooltips of shortcodes. Fuzzy search. Shortcodes show by default when searching.
🐛 Bug fixes

🔗 phanpy.social/
💬 matrix.to/#/%23phanpy:matrix.o

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Sometimes the best tool is the one you already have!

It turns out that this humble nail here is an amazing scoring tool ^^

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From time to time I stumble onto a modern Tweet worth adding to my davidbisset.social collection (via ).


About / industry:

"Early in my career, I joined a project that used a lot of .

I was new to SQL so I found an “intro to SQL” book on the company bookshelf, and read it over a weekend.

From that point on, I was seen as an SQL expert amongst colleagues.

It was a revelation about our industry."

Also: still very useful.


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I had to reset my for one service, because I had seemingly forgotten it, only to find out that it was because one key in the wasn't working properly.

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Excellent bit of insight from the end of @elliotjaystocks new book:

“Yes, we need more fonts. It's not like we have enough songs, is it?”

One of these days I’ll actually follow through on my dream of releasing a typeface…

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"What do you think a junior developer reviewing code with two senior looks like?"


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In the last year and a half I have written a lot of Rust code, only some of which is open source at the moment: Xot, the capable XML tree library.

I have also most of a XPath 3.1 implementation and part of an XSLT 3.0 implementation. And a structural human readable diffing library for XML documents.

I happen to have a (revived) background in established tech like XML and I can write Rust, which makes for an interesting combination.

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@emilygorcenski You're crucially missing `-vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv`

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